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   The day after my graduation I had a bad gut feeling. I don't know what it was but something was coming.
"Babe" Sam called knocking me out of my thoughts. "You still getting that gut feeling" Last few month you have been out of it." He wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned against him as I stood at the sink.
  "I'm sorry Sammy. I just can't shake it." He kisses my forehead pulling me closer making me sigh and relax into him more.  "Today Bella birthday dad asked me to stop by this morning before heading to Sue." I said as I turned around in his arms and hugged him laying my head on his chest. He rested his chin on my head as he just held me.
  "So you need to head out soon?" I looked up at him making him move his chin off my head and smiled when I saw him give me a sad look.
"Sadly yes I have shift at Sues any way this morning breakfast has been made " he leans in and gives me a kiss making me smile before he lets me go. "I love you"
  "And I you"  I grabbed my stuff from the kitchen table before giving him another kiss and heading out.
Once I got to my dads I pulled out a small wrapped gift. It went along with dads and her mom gift. I walked in and heard them up stairs so I met dad at her bed room door.
  "Hey sweetheart" He said giving me a kiss on my forehead. Bella just glared at me.
"Hey dad. Happy Birthday Bella"holding out to her she gave me a look before taking it and opening it. "It's a case for the camera. Also a couple extra SD cards and extra batteries.
  "Thanks" She said just above a whisper making me nod and make my way back down stairs as dad stayed a little longer before joining me.
  "I have work so I can't stay to long." I informed him making him nod as he set next to me on the sofa. I yawned and leaned into him.
  "All grown up and still daddy's little girl"He chuckles placing his arm around me making me smile. After a few I must have fell asleep. I woke up still curled up against my dad a blanket draped over me I went to jump up but he stopped me.
"Relax so called Sue and Sam go back to sleep if you like" He said with a chuckle making me relax. "Sam said you have not been sleeping well. Have you been eating?" He was running his hand through my hair as he spoke.
"Yes dad I have not had a episode since before graduation. The new meds Dr. Cullen put me one has been helping. Seem a side effect of that is not sleeping to much. I will talk to him my next appointment about it." Though I am off all meds and healed my dad didn't need to know about our little miracle of me turning to a wolf and being healed. Dad went back to watching the game as I fell back to sleep.
Next time I woke up I got started on making dinner for them. Bella had arrived home a little late and I could smell blood on her. I stood up straight and looked her down my eyes landing on her arm as she said good bye to Edward. I grabbed some of the food that I placed in bowls for back home and kissed my dad cheek before walking out the door behind Edward.
"Can't you see it?" I asked he just sent me a sad look and nod before getting in his car and driving off . Getting in my truck I headed back home.
  As soon as I pulled up the boy's howled as Sam made his way out of the house and to my door giving me a kiss in greeting as I stepped out of my truck.
  "Hey babygirl, let me get the food for you." He said before going to the back of the car and pulling out the bowls.
  "Darn I was hoping for a piggy back ride." I said cheekily making him laugh. Setting the bowls on the top of the truck he motion for me to get on his make making me giggle and kisses his cheek once I was settle. Grabbing the bowls he made his way inside with me on his back. Paul and Jared where playing the Xbox and chuckled as they saw us. Sam tossed me on the sofa across their laps making me laugh.
  "Good hold them their while I eat the goods" Next thing I know I was being pushed on the floor, Jared had caught me so I didn't fully fall and hurt my self.
  "Paul" Sam growled his body shaken.
  "Sammy I am fine calm down" I said with a laugh making him look me over once more before finishing his track to the kitchen. Jared help me to my feet and with all followed and I set the table. After dinner Sam made Paul clean the dishes as Jared went run patrol. Leaving me and Sam to cuddle up on the sofa.
"I love you" He said as he kissed my forehead making me smile up at him.
"I love you to." I said before leaning up and kissing him. Next thing I know I was almost falling off the sofa as he tickled me. He caught me as I was pretty much hanging upside down off the sofa and pulled me back into him.
"Come on lets head to bed" I smiled and kissed him before standing my feet to let him up so we can do as he suggested.

The next morning I went to work and got a call that afternoon. Bella was missing before I could even call Sam he was pulling in and honking the horn. I looked to Sue and she nod telling em to hurry she will get Leah to walk to the shop and follow behind her so she can bring my truck to Sams.once we pulled up close to the house Sam pulled on to the side of the Rose and gave me a kiss. I can see Paul and Jared in wolf form waiting for him as he got out of the truck.The nod to me before running off and I drove Sam truck the rest of the way to Dads where people where standing around looking at maps.
  "Dad!" I called as I jumped out the truck he turned towards me. "Sam and the boys output there looking you know they know the lands."  He put his arm over my shoulder as Prant reaches out and placed a hand on my shoulder. "We will find her dad" Jacob was glaring at me and I  am guess it was because I brought up Sam. We all know what his friend have been saying about Sam and the boys. He hates the fact I am with Sam, but he has no say in the matter who I am happy with. Prant let me sit on his lap as the groups around us was talking. It was getting pretty dark and they knew they knew with how cold it was out their she probably wouldn't survive the night. It was said that the Cullens left and I can see the fear on my dad face that she might have went with them. That is until I heard movement and people shouting behind us. I looked over me and Prant shoulder and jumped to me foot as Sam walked out in just a pair of shorts carrying Bella. My dad rushed you him and thanked him taking her in his arms before Sam pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.
  "Relax hun she will be ok. She kept talking about how they are gone" he informed me before nodding to my Prant. Jacob stood not far with a glare on his face.
  "Just stop already" I growled out at him making Sam pull me tighter to his side. "What is your problem Jacob? Can't you see Sam is a good guy he just saved Bella's life?" Jacob roles his eyes.
  "You can't even see how much he has changed you." He grumbled before turning and following my dad inside the house. I was shaken as a growled rumbled from deep into my chest.
"Hey Sweetpea look at me" Sam said tapping my chin making me look at him. "Breath he not worth it lets get you home" I sighed and nod my head relaxing into his arms as he lead me to his truck and open the door for me before closing it and making his way to his side. I can see my dad looking out the door and wave as I buckled my seat belt and us pulling out.

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