Chapter 6

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A pack of wolves are surrounding the herd. Midnight galloped towards the herd after one of the wolves, I was close after him. I chased after a huge gray wolf, he must of been a alpha because he wouldn't give up. He chased after Chocolate and started to bite at him, Coco was fending off another wolf so I jumped into action and started rearing up and bringing my hoves down on top of him. Midnight must of chased the other wolf off because he was here with me bringing his hoves down on top of the wolf as well. The wolf quickly stood up after that and sprinted off into the forest we were save for now.


Everyone was asleep except me. I couldn't stop thinking about the wolves, what if another one comes back, was that the things I thought were following us. I was lost in my thoughts when someone nudged me, I jumped back and looked into the darkness, no-one was there. " it's ok Snow it's me Midnight sorry about scaring you."          " oh thank god it's only you" I relaxed a bit and pushed all the thoughts to the back of my mind.  "You know you should really get some sleep I'll keep watch."      "Ok thank you" I walked closer to the herd and started to drift off to sleep.


In the morning I was the first one awake so I decided to go towards the meadow we would pass. I galloped over to it and saw humans. What are they doing here! I took one last look before I galloped back. As I was galloping back I was thinking about how I thought I saw Emma my owner. I called a warning winny as I got closer. Heads shot up left and right I had to tell Midnight so we could get the herd moving because I had no idea where we are! "Midnight there are humans in the meadow! We need to move now!"       "Everyone get up and gallop over to the valley we will be safe there,....for a while"   I don't know if he ment for me to hear that but I wasn't going to say anything. We needed to move and we were and we don't need a argument now so I'll ask him when we get to the valley.

Sorry I took so long to update but I have been going and doing things with a friend so I have had no time. Anyways remember to vote follow and comment thanks. Will try to update soon bye!

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