25 facts

314 19 2

I was nominated by _Will_Solace_

1. I hate spiders

2. I shine bright like a DIAMOND ;)

3. I hate Cheating husbands

4. I love Christmas

5. Its gross in Kronos' stomach


7. Paper work is so annoying

8. I have 6 grown-up children

9. 2 of my children loves war

10. 1 of my children is my cupbearer

11. I love them all

12. I dislike demi-gods because it reminds me of Zeus' affairs

13. I like wearing Jewelries

14. I never prank someone

16. My favorite sibling is Hestia

17. Then Poseidon

18. Then Demeter

19. Then Hades

20. Then Zeus

21. I missed #15

22. Check it out

23. Currently i am lying on my bed with my phone writing this

24. Life is hard

25. I hate mortal who do strips -.-"

15. Here is #15!!!

I nominate







And _Bellona_

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