2. First Day

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"I am Myra by the way."

She says with an outstretched hand and a smile on her lips. Since it is the first day of school, many teachers are still on correction. I shake her hand and get on with my work. Well the work is writing song lyrics in my notebook since there is no sign of a teacher.

"We don't care what them people say,

We don't have to be ordinary, make your bes-"

"You talk less no?" I am startled at the voice breaking my thoughts. It's just Myra.

"Yeah.. actually I was being bored and had nothing much to do. So I started calligraphing lyrics..." I trail off.

"Okay. So what are your hobbies?" I'm a bit startled. Not be the question but by the genuine interest on her face "I love reading. Also, I like stargazing though one cannot see much these days. I like music"

"Yeah,I love music too, we can exchange playlists some time. I also like Badminton"

"That's a nice game. Unfortunately I just like watching sports."

"Well that's good too." She has a small smile that relaxes me despite the fact that I barely know her.

The whole period passes by sharing our common interests and music recommendations.


Soon enough, it's lunch and most of the students are leaving the class to meet their friends in the Main Hall. I haven't seen the Hall yet but I know that most people have their interval there. The school assembly is also held there. I expect Myra to go but she has taken out her tiffin box.

"Won't you go to the Hall?"

"Huh? Oh no, I don't like leaving my class." She looks down at her tiffin, hakka noodles and some salad to compensate for the junk food. Cool.

"Well, that's good. We can have lunch together." I smile at her.

I have fried rice in my tiffin which smells so delicious I barely manage to open the tiffin properly. We both dig into our food. 

About midway through lunch, two girls approach us. More specifically, two girls approach Myra.

"Heyy Myra! It's been so long since we saw you!" One of the girls, whose name I don't know, says excitedly. And with fakeness.

They talk about their holidays and which of their friends ended up in what section.

As soon as she departs, Myra sighs, "God, what a fake."

"Why?" I deadpan before realising my mistake, "Sorry, you don't have to tell. I didn't mean to intrude"

"Oh it's okay. I was going to tell you anyways. She hates me. She once locked me in the class. When I confronted her about that, she said that she did not realize I was in there." She replies with her eyebrows raised.

"Woah! I mean there must be a reason she hates you and locked you in the classroom..." I trail off. Maybe I should just shut my mouth.

"Some people don't need any reason. They do what they want." She has a sad smile on her lips.


We spend the interval in silence. I ponder over what she said. Sometimes perhaps that's true. Sometimes you can't take the responsibility of what others do or say. By the end of the lunch I can't stand it anymore and ask, "But why do you hate her? I mean if she doesn't like you, let her be. Hating her wouldn't make any difference." Someone please stuff a handkerchief in my mouth.

She smiles secretly as if she knows something I don't know, " You can't change people but you can change how you react to their doings, and that makes all the difference. I never hated her but if she's gonna hate me then so be it."

After the lunch we have maths period. An old teacher with graying hair and pale face comes in and greets the class with energy absolutely no sixty years old should have.

He instantly gets on with the topic and we spend the period copying notes and sums.

Then after maths it is Hindi, Geography and Chemistry.

The Hindi teacher is a sweet natured lady who seems passionate about teaching our mother tongue. The Geography teacher just speaks the notes out mundanely which almost makes the whole class sleep. The chemistry sir just barges in the door and starts telling how to maintain discipline in the campus as indiscipline will not be tolerated and about other regular rules we have known since like grade 4. the teacher kinda gives off Snape vibes. Did I mention I loved Harry Potter?

The bell rings and we all head out of the class eager to end the day.

It's a good enough day. Definitely not what I expected. Well what I expected was sitting alone the whole day. I didn't see any fights or drama they show in the movies. After all, it's the first day of school, what's the worse that could happen?

Just when we exit the main building I prepare to say bye to Myra but a string of curse words stop me. I fixate my eyes on a pair of boys glaring at each other. Oop, I said too soon. Definitely the high school drama from the movies.

"Ooh, this is gonna be good." I hear Myra say from beside me.

Suddenly, the two boys leap at each other and punches are thrown everywhere. A crowd has gathered by now and some people are cheering. I mean seriously? Break the fight dude.

Soon after, a teacher comes in and breaks the fight. The two boys are separated. One has a cut lip while the other has a bruise on his cheek. There are more bruises that can be seen on their arms.

What were they fighting about? 

The one with the cut lip locks eyes with me and I see pure rage.

The boys are escorted to the Principal office and we all are dismissed.

"Did you see the last punch?" Myra says while punching an imaginary opponent as we approach the bus stand.

"Yeah, do you know them?"

She pauses her 'fight' before answering, "Huh? No, I only know one. His name is Ved, the one who locked eyes with you. He was in middle school with me." I raise my eyebrows. "Ugh, of course I saw that. I am an observer." She says with a perfect eye roll.

I like this girl.

We reach the bus stand and she tells me about the middle school and how good their class teacher was. After a while, the bus incharge comes and tells everyone to go to their buses.

"It was a good day, thank you for letting me sit beside you."

"Oh it's nothing, I liked the company. Besides, i would have hated to sit alone on the first day." She says with that easy smile.

We part ways and I board my bus. Again, the bus is mostly empty except for a couple of people in the front. I sit in the back corner and stare at the road for the rest of my ride.


Hey guys! So this was the end of the second chapter. Please tell me if you liked it. Also, what was the best part of the chapter?

I am in the middle of tests and it's difficult to update at times but it is what it is. Wish me luck for tomorrow because God knows I need it. It's physics tomorrow...

Have a nice day or night. I'll see you all the next week!!

P.S. Check out the Welcome chapter for a new aesthetic and comment how is it!!

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