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When Marley wakes up again, he finds that the situation he's in is nothing like the last time he was kidnapped. In fact, this time, he almost feels like he's in some sort of movie or TV show. Yeah, that's how this set up feels.

He's restrained on a chair, though from what he can tell it isn't an execution chair. It appears to be some sort of fold out metal one.

His arms are tied behind him, around the back rest, and his ankles are fastened to the legs of the chair. He also appears to be in some sort of warehouse-type place. Judging by the decor, he's definitely not back in 1-A.

Marley squints at the floor for a while, until the blurriness at the edges of his vision starts to go away. He then begins to really examine the room, and finds none other than Trixie herself sitting in a chair a few feet from him.

Oh shit, how didn't he see her before?

"Morning, Your Highness!"

Marley can do nothing but groan, wishing his arms were free so he could rub his face. Immediately, panic sets in, as he wonders how much time has elapsed since he was last conscious. Oh no, it couldn't have been that long, right?

"What time is it—What day is it?"

"Oh relax, we'll let you go soon. The coronation is in only one day!"


"It's 9:00 PM."

Okay, hang on, what?!

"What?! How long have I been out?"

"Just two and a half weeks. But you're almost free! We aren't gonna kill you—between you and me, I thought that was a little excessive, anyway."

Then why help?

Ignoring how weirdly sane Trixie is acting, Marley takes a moment to mentally freak the fuck out.

"We'll let you go as soon as the coronation is over, but in the mean time, you really need to eat."

Yeah, now that Marley takes a minute, he's fucking starving. He also needs to use the restroom.

Two and a half weeks? What the fuck? All that time Marley's been unconscious—oh no, Nero... the others...

They must be worried.

How in the world has Marley been passed out for this long? Is he on drugs or something? Either way, this is really, really bad. He and the others have absolutely no plan whatsoever, and Marley's been gone so even if they did figure out a plan Marley wouldn't know anything about it. Marley wants Nero. He doesn't...

Okay, it's final. Marley's never leaving Nero's side. Ever again.

Something is placed on Marley's lap, and he notices Trixie untying his wrists. The gun on her hip keeps him from trying anything funny, though. He notices that the object she put in his lap was a tray, containing a burger and fries, probably from some fast food restaurant.

Marley wastes no time before digging in, not even minding his manners. Sorry? He literally hasn't eaten in over two weeks. The hunger is really setting in, and even after he's inhaled every crumb of food on the plate, there is still a need gnawing at his gut that's barely been sated.

Marley glances up at Trixie, who's sitting there with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

"Bathroom?" Marley requests.

There's actually a whole portable bathroom in this warehouse, and once Marley is finished with that (he's being treated remarkably well by his kidnappers, it's almost suspicious) and Trixie has him tied up again, he notices that he's just being stared at.

Atelo [MXM] [BOOK 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now