Chapter Thirteen

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Dylan's P.O.V

As I was getting ready to order pizza, I got a notification on my phone, it was a text message from Malina. I was surprised by this because we hardly talked to each other since the party over the summer. I was shocked when I read her text...

Malina: Dylan, I need you to come over to the hospital right now! Y/n tried to kill herself!

Dylan: wait, what?

Malina: Louis and I found her in the bathtub with her wrists slit I'm scared Dylan,

Dylan: Okay, I'll take an Uber to the hospital.

Malina: pls hurry, I'm so worried about her!

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, and I could feel the world start to slowly fade away. I called an Uber and within a fifteen minutes the Uber arrived in front of my house. I got in the car, and I started sobbing into my hands. I never thought that she would try to kill herself, and I was silently praying to god, hoping that she would wake up. I didn't know who the trolls were, but I was going to do everything I could to find out who did this to Y/n. 

When the Uber arrived at the hospital, I ran inside and asked what room y/n was in. One of the nurses led me to the room and I saw Y/n lying in the hospital bed with a tube in her nose, and her wrists were covered with white gauze, then I saw dark red blood stains indicating where she made the cuts. Malina and Louis were sitting on the right hand side of the bed holding Y/n's hand, and I could hear them whimpering and crying.

"Dylan, thank god your here!" Malina said when she noticed that I was watching her. I lightly embraced Louis and Malina and let out a small sniffle when I looked at y/n once again. She wasn't awake, and I didn't know if she would wake up and get better, or if she would die and leave us all alone.

"Is she okay?" I asked when we pulled apart. "The doctors did their best to clean up her cuts and they got the water out of her lungs, but they said until she wakes up, there's nothing they can do, her parent's are on their way home," Louis answered. I felt really bad for Y/n's parents, It was had to imagine any parent finding out that their child almost committed suicide. 

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked. Malina and Louis looked at each other and slowly nodded. "Yes, we were thinking maybe you should try to talk to her, there is a slight chance that she might hear us, maybe you can try to convince her to come back to us," Malina said looking back over at Y/n. It sounded like a challenging task, but I needed her to come back, even though we ended things horribly. I still cared about her.

"Okay, I'll do it," I said. Malina and Louis stepped out of the room, and I took a seat next to the bed and gently grabbed Y/n's hand. "Y/n, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but everyone is worried about you. Malina, Louis, Your parent's, don't ever let those haters drag you down Y/n, your an amazing person. And I'm being honest when I say this, every single word,"

I could feel tears start to fall down my face, and I let out a small sob. "Please don't leave us, Y/n, Everyone loves you, I love you," I whispered. I looked up at her, nothing, there was no sound, no movement, not even a slight squeeze. "Please come back," I whispered. I took her hand that I was holding, and I kissed her hand.

A/n: Sorry I haven't updated this story for so long, I got busy with other projects I will try to upload more often, but I can't guarantee that with school coming up soon. But, anyways will Y/n wake up? Will she die? Stay tuned for tomorrow to find out! 

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