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Houston, TX

"Reall ass nigga give a fuck bout a bitch." Ace said as him and Khalil walked in the park,

"I'll take ya bitch and she'll probably suck my dick." Khalil said as they went and sat next to Tyra

He was looking for Parker but didn't see her, he then turned around and saw Parker who was sitting on the slides zoned out

"What's wrong with Parker." Ace said looking at her also

"I don't know she look so sad and I don't wanna ask why because she not gonna gimme the answer I want all she gonna tell me is she's fine. And put on a fake ass smile." Tyra said looking at Parker

Khalil got up walked over to where Parker was

"Parker?" He said snapping in her face

"Paaaarrrrrkkkkkeeeeerrrrrrr?" He dragged snapping in her face again

"Chanel!" He said calling her by her middle name snapping in her face again.

Khalil sucked his teeth and pulled her up and she looked at him

"What's wrong witchu girl." He said looking down at her

"Nothing.." she lied

Parker mother is very sick, doctors say she ain't getting no better. Seems like Parker gonna be putting her momma to rest soon. And this been on her mind daily now.

"Damn we lying to eachotha na?" He said and she shook her head no

"Then..." he said

"I'm just not ready to talk about it..." she said looking down

"Hugs?" She said looking up with her arms open

He walked into them and hugged her as they rocked side to side For a minute

Then they both let go.

"Cmon." He said and she followed him to where everyone else was

"Hey guys," she said waving while smiling at them

"Waddup, you good?" Ace asked

"Yea I'm fine." Parker said and Tyra side eyed her

"Hugs?" Parker asked with her arms out looking at Tyra making Tyra stand up and hug her.

"Hey yalll!" Kior said skipping over to them with Mya and some other girls behind her

"Heyy." Parker and Tyra greeted

"How You my brother, and don't speak." Kior said mushing his head

"I'll kick you. You betta stop." Khalil said fixing his hat

"Hey Khalil." Mya said waving

He looked at her and gave her a head nod and looked back down on his phone

"Mhm Parker you hungry I'm finna go to the store?" Tyra said standing up

"Yea, can you get me french fries." She said taking money out her pocket

"I got chu, Ace come with me." Tyra said and ace stood up also, while Ace started to walk he mushed kior head and ran making her suck her teeth

"Parker you Eva think about getting new tattoos?" Kior asked

"Yes, like 1 more." She said

"Parker you got a boyfriend?" Mya asked


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