Houston, TX
"Uhm Parker this is Kayzo, our brother." Tyra said sitting across from Parker
"Wassup." He said an Parker waved
"My mom didn't have any other kids though..." Parker said
"James did. That when he took me and left you and momma cause she wasn't pregnant with another man baby. But whole time he had Kayzo momma pregnant." Tyra explained
"I hate his momma forreal." Tyra said
"Why?" Parker asked
"The shit she say. Like we fought and your father kicked me out." Tyra said
"Uhm no Ms.mam I don't claim him. So that's Kayzo's father." Parker said Kayzo looked up with his face scrunched up
"That mane ain't my father. Ion claim him." Kayzo said
"Wellppp." Tyra said
"What y'all momma looked like?" Kayzo asked and Parker pulled out a picture and Kayzo looked at it
"Damn she fine." Kayzo said Tyra hit his shoulder
"My bad." He said laughing and Parker laughed also
"Yoo wassup Kay" Dj said walking into Wendy's and Parker looked up
"Ew you know him?" Tyra said mugging Dj
"Wassup Parker." Dj said and Parker waved
"What you want nigga." Kayzo said
"What chall ova hea doing?" Dj asked
"None of yo business" Kayzo said and Dj waved him off and walked up to the thing to order his food.
Parker phone rung and it was Khalil, and her phone was on 5 so she declined it.
' Khalil ❤️'
Khalil ❤️: Decline it again so I come whea you at and put you on yo head.🤨
Khalil ❤️: Dont Khalil nun. Answer yo fucking phone.😐
My phone is dying I can't answer your call Khalil unless you want it to die on you.
Khalil ❤️: bet .
Parker huffed as her phone died, she put it in her pocket and looked up.
"What's wrong?" Tyra asked
"Nothing." Parker smiled
"I heard you got a boyfriend." Kayzo said
"Mhm." Parker said
"He better be treating you right." Kayzo said and Parker nodded her head
"He is. I miss him too." Parker said thinking about Khalil
"Lover bird head ass." Kayzo said laughing.
"Hey Mrs. Jackson." Parker waved at Rasiah
"Heyyy!" Rasiah said smiling and Parker walked up stairs
She knocked on Khalil door. No answer
She knocked again.
"Leave me alone." Khalil said and Parker twisted the door open and he lifted his head off his pillow
"Ion wanna talk to you." Khalil said putting his head back down and Parker closed his room door
"Why?" Parker asked
"Because- mane I ain't explaining shit." Khalil said and Parker crossed her arms over her chest
"You need to. Because your mad at me for no reason." She said
"I ain't mad at nun. Just don't wanna talk to you." Khalil said
"Why?" Parker said
"Why you decline my call? And what nigga you was wit?" Khalil said sitting up.
"My brother Khalil and I told you my phone was dying." Parker said
"You could of said that." Khalil said
"You could of asked that." Parker said sitting next to him
"Nope don't sit next to me. Ion like you." Khalil said standing up then putting his phone in his pocket.
"Really?" Parker frowned and Khalil nodded
"So I can go kiss on someone else then right?" Parker said and Khalil shrugged his shoulders
"Fine." Parker said standing up she reached for the door but Khalil closed it and grabbed her hair
"Stop playing wimme." He said lowly kissing her lips
"Em em, you said I can kiss on someone else so don't kiss on me." Parker said moving her face and Khalil grabbed her chin and kissed her lips
"These my lips fuck, give my shit to someone else if you want to." He said
"You said you didn't like me anymore sooo." Parker said
"Imma foreva like yo stupid ass." Khalil said
"Awwe stinky" Parker dragged kissing Khalil lips repeatedly
"Stooopp." Khalil said
"You want me to give my attention and affection to someone else?" Parker said
"Ion give a fuck." Khalil said and Parker unwrapped her arms from around his neck
"I'm playing." He said grabbing her face kissing her lips
"No no no. Don't kiss me. You want me to give my attention and affection to someone else. So let me go." Parker said trying to move her face
"I dare you." Khalil said kissing her cheek
"You wanna see sumn?" Khalil asked Parker and she nodded her head
" lay down." Khalil said taking his shirt off, Khalil locked his door and picked a random asmr video and stood in front of Parker
"Take these off." He said and she did as told.
Bebe: he gave her a li headddd👀