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× Kenma POV ×
'Since you guys are her how 'bout we do a 2v2 or something?' I suggested.
'Ooh sounds like a good idea!' We played until midnight until Kuroo pointed out the time.
'Hey, it's bedtime kiddos,' Kuroo said looking at me and Akaashi. I looked at the clock 2:38, it read.
'Okay goodnight I hope I die in my sleep this time,' I said going to my bedroom and covering myself in my blanket.
'Hey! Where do we sleep?' Kuroo asked me.
'I thought you were going home..'
'It's a long walk from here you know!' I gave out a quiet sigh and pointed at the couch.
'Me and Bokuto? On that small ass couch?'
'Yeah,' I said just looking at him. I took Akaashi's hand and took him to my room.
'Don't stay up playing video games Kenma-san,' Akaashi said wrapping me in a hug.
'I'll try..' I looked at him with a smile.

× Akaashi POV ×
I layed on the bed and usually I would watch as Kenma played his game. Everytime he lost I would hug him and tell him it's alright but it was different today.

Instead of playing games he was on his phone messaging someone, I didn't wanna eavesdrop as it could be something private. I could hear him muttering things quietly but I couldn't really understand what he was saying. I didn't wanna hug him so suddenly because he might get scared. So I just decided to go to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to see that Kenma was already out of bed. I went to the living room to check if Kenma was there but he wasn't. I check if Bokuto and Kuroo are still asleep but the only person I see is Bokuto.
'Bokuto-san, where are Kenma and Kuroo?' I asked him.
'Ah.. good morning Akaashi. I'm not sure where they went but I think I saw them go outside,' Outside..? I wonder why they went outside.

Author's Note:
um this kinda short tho :<
also im sorry for the lack of updates </3

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