First Date

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× Kenma POV ×
It's been one week since me and Akaashi started dating. Since then Akaashi would always pick me up from school and walk me home. It's a weekend so Akaashi would usually come to my house to hang out, but Akaashi told me he wanted to go with me to the arcade. I'm just sitting down waiting for Akaashi.
'Kenma-san!' I look up to see Akaashi waving at me. I stand up and go to him to give him a hug.
'Have you been waiting long?' I shook my head. We played game for hours until it was 6 pm.
'Let's head to your house Kenma-san,' Akaashi said as he grabbed my hand. I could feel my face turn read as we headed home. We sat down at the bus stop and waited for the bus to come by. Akaashi layed his head on my shoulder.
'Wake me up when the bus comes,' He told me.
'H-hey, we're in public you know? Hey! Akaashi!'
'Please,' He knew that I wouldn't be able to resist that so I just let it be and waited for the bus.
'Hey, idiot the bus is here,' I said poking him. We sat on the bus and waited for our stop. When we finally made it to my house, Akaashi pulled me to my room, and before I knew it he locked me into a kiss. I then pushed him away, putting my hand on my mouth in case he would do it again.
'T-that caught me off guard... at least tell me tou idiot,' I could hear him laughing for some reason.
'What's so funny?'

× Akaashi POV ×
'I remember the first time I saw you. I remember how I saw you set for the first time. I felt like I would never be able to surpass you... I admired you a lot, Kenma-san. And to think.. to think that you're here! With me, makes me... really happy. I haven't known you longer than I've known Bokuto-san, but you've become so important to me. You always get me in the mood. I feel so lucky to have someone like you, but at the same time I feel like I don't deserve someone like you. I'm so glad you stepped into my life, I'm so glad I met you. Out of all the people I met.. no matter how long I knew them. No one compared to you. Sometimes I'm scared that one day you'll leave me. O-or forget about me.. You don't realize how much you mean to me. I remember the first time we talked. Haha.. I was stuttering so much that time. I has thinking 'What if he likes me back???'. That was a really stupid thought, you didn't even know my name that time. That practice match.. back then I wish I had just a little more time. I wanted to see you set just one more time. I remember after that match how I couldn't stop thinking about you. I thought back then 'Maybe I was falling in love with someone..?', but then I remembered I didn't even know what love was, what it meant, how you knew you were in love. I've been waiting for someone.. someone to change me, someone to make me happy. That someone. That someone was you Kenma-san. As long as you were here. I felt like I could do anything! I remember thinking about you everyday. Then I noticed that everyday I started changing something about myself for you. I was practically losing myself. So I decided to let you go for a while. But then, I saw you. You were at an arcade. You were so concentrated. And that's when I fell in love with you again. I was with Bokuto at the time and you were with Kuroo. So of course the two had to talk to eachother and that was the first time we talked. Every part of me was.. hurting. I wanted to know you more back then. Kozume Kenma, I'm so in love with you, and I'm glad that you know.'
Tears flowed down Kenma's eyes. He hugged me tightly. I patted his head.
'I-I love you too.. Keiji,' He said still crying.
'Stop crying Kenma-san..' I said as I kissed his forehead.
'It's gonna be okay!' I told him grabbing both his shoulders, then wrapping him in a tight hug.
'You're an idiot.. such an idiot!' He said looking at me, his face was so red. I pointed at the clock in his room, he took the hint and went to bed. He faced the opposite direction as me so I did too. Then I felt him hug me. He was breathing on my back. So I turned around to face him, he looked surprised and hid his face.
'I'm gonna miss this when it's over..' He told me.
'Yeah, me too,' I said kissing his forehead one more time.
'Sometimes.. I feel so useless. I feel like I'm not perfect enough for you,' The pudding head told me.
'Are you stupid?! Ah, sorry that sounds mean.. but if you think you're not perfect for me, then I'm sorry but you really are stupid. Not perfect for me? You?! You. Kenma Kozume. Aren't perfect. You're more than perfect!' He laughed, we chatted for a bit until it was around 1 am.

× Kenma POV ×
'Ah we should really be asleep right now,' I said looking to Akaashi, little did I know he was already asleep. I love Akaashi so much. Were the last things I thought to myself before going to sleep.

Author's Note:
so uh this is the last chapter :D
the last chapter was actually supposed to be the one before this but i didn't mention it so yeah
anyways i'll be writing a levyaku fanfic since im done with this one!!
also if there are any typos im sorry im too lazy to read it all again to check lol

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