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× Kenma POV ×
'Kenma-san! Kenma-san where are you?' I heard someone say.
'Akaashi..?' I replied back. Akaashi shined his phone's flashlight to me.
'Eh? What are you doing down there Kenma-san? You might get a cold! Come here let's go back to your house,' Akaashi said lending out his hand, I was just about to grab it but then remembered I still needed to find it. Akaashi noticed that and went down into the river with me.
'What are you looking for? I'll find it! I promise!' Akaashi said grabbing both of my hands.

'You go sit over there. Tell me what it is and I'll find it for you!' Akaashi said taking off the jacket he was wearing and putting it on my shoulders.
'I-It was a keychain.. but if you look for it you'll get sick. So you go back to my house, and I'll look for it,' I don't think he was even listening to me.. he was already searching. I didn't just wanna sit around and watch him so I helped him search for it too. It took around 2 hours but we finally found it.

× Akaashi POV ×
'Kenma-san, are you sick? You keep sneezing? I told you, you should've just rested!' I said grabbing his hand to take him back to his house.
'I'm okay Akaashi. I'm not a small kid anymore I can take care of myself,' He said as he ran back to his house. At least he's going back home. I go back to his house greeted by Kuroo waving at me and Bokuto constantly hugging me like we haven't met in so long.

'Hey! Hey! Hey! Akaashi I miss you!'
'Hello, Bokuto-san. Did Kenma come yet?' Kuroo pointed to Kenma's bedroom. So I tried to go in but the door was locked.
'Kenma-san. Ken-san! Can you let me in...?' He opened the door and went back to his bed laying his face on his pillow.
'Kenma-san? Are you okay?' No reply..
'Did I do something wrong? Kenma-san.. please tell me if I did something wrong,' Kenma gave a soft punch, after that I heard him mumble something along the lines of He's so stupid ?
'I'm not stupid. I'm just worried,' Kenma then raised his head from his pillow.
'You're not stupid but you're not smart either,' He said laying his head on his pillow again. I felt this conversation would lead to no where so I just went outside and talked to Kuroo.

'Hey Kuroo, did I do something wrong to Kenma? He won't talk to me properly I feel like everything I do makes him mad..' Kuroo looks at me surprised and then pats my back.
'No. You didn't do anything wrong it's just... you know what I would tell you but I think it's best to hear it from Kenma himself,' He said still patting my back.
'Tell me,' I said in the most sinister voice I could do.
'I-I mean I would but I feel like Kenma might kill me you know?' Kuroo said slowly backing away. I gave out a sigh and went back to Kenma's room, I notice that he's fallen asleep. He's.. so cute. I think back to what he said before 'Do you like anyone?'. I don't know, do I..? I don't even know what love is, or how you know that you're in love. I know I did say that I like him when he asked that.. but I wasn't sure, actually.. maybe I do like him.
'Akaashi?' Kenma looked at me and gave out a yawn. I hugged him as tight as I could.

'I like you, Kenma-san. I don't know what love is, I don't know how people find out they're in love with someone. But I think, no. I know that I love you. Haha.. this is kinda weird isn't it? I don't even know why I said this. You can reject me if you want, I don't mind really..' I stop hugging him, and lay on the bed in silence. Kenma wouldn't look me in the eye after what I said. I mean I understand it's kinda weird, but he didn't give me an answer either..
'Akaashi.. you really are stupid aren't you?' I look at him with a confused expression on my face. Kenma suddenly started hugging me while crying a bit.
'Kenma-san? Are you okay? Do you want me to get you tissues?'
'You're so, so, so stupid Akaashi..'
'Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry I know what I said was weird and all and it probably made you feel uncomfortable if you want me to leave you alone fo-'
'I like you, Akaashi!' I felt numb for a moment. My heart beating fast. Face red. Bokuto says those words to me all the time. Why... why is it when Kenma said it.. why did it make me happier than when Bokuto says it..? Maybe because he said those words implying a different meaning, or maybe because it's from the person I like. I don't understand love, and I don't think I ever will. But that doesn't stop me from being in love.

Author's Note:
i keep doing other things forgetting that i need to update um
anyways i hope this makes up for all those times i didn't updatE-

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