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I run to my cabin not know what or how I was feeling. I burst through the doors and into my cabin to see Kayla and Austin playing a game of cards. As if they planned at the same time they both said 'hey Will, are you okay'. I didn't know what I should say to them so I just went over to my bed and put my head onto my pillow face first. I felt a hand on my should and it dawned on me I had no shirt on "what" I muttered into my pillow.

"Will, your pulse is fast and your skin is hot what's going on?" Kayla asked me out of concern.

I only turned my head so I could see her, and Austin in the background picking up the cards and eating chips. I had to choose to tell them or not.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked bitting my bottom lip.

"Of course you can Will we are you half- silibing, dude," Austin said well he ate a hand full of chips.

"I'm not like you guys," I said looking away not wanting to be judged by them.

"Well duh, everyone different," Kayla said with a little bit of laughter.

I sighed and continued "I mean I'm not normal!!" I said a bit firmer and louder than I should of.

"Dude, none of us half-bloods are 'normal' at all," Austin said with even more chips in his mouth. Kayla smacked him in the arm.

"No, not like that Austin, my head isn't quite right." I said in a voice so low it could of been a whisper, just like earlier when I was talking to Nico.

Kayla leaned over me and said that I should get to the point because Austin has little brain cells.

"Fine, you guys I am a am a..." I stop to look over at them on last time before I changed everything between us. "Gay." Saying the words in a sentence together felt foreign to me.
As I waited for one of them to say something I began to cry. I didn't want to lose them but not tell them I was using them. Making them take half of my patients out of fear that I could be beaten up their siblings at any moment.

"So, who's to judge you when we all have flaws," Kayla said as she lovingly rubbed my back to calm my nerves. It help a little but I had more to say.

"It just that... just that the Ares cabin tells me every other day that as," I had to stop talking because I was crying so hard I had hiccups. Kayla continued to rub my back it was nice, nice to have someone who cared about me so much in a motherly way. "They keep... they keep telling me not to heal their silibings." I stop because I need air due to the fact I was crying so hard.

"Will, what do they say to you?" Austin asked no longer eating his unhealthy food.

"That if I heal t-t-hem I could make their silibings f-f-faggot-y like me." Just repeating the words caused me pain, then thinking of how natural it felt to be with Nico and how much I loved it made it all worse. Earlier when he called himself that name I broke. Not wanting the pain I've been through about this all, I told him not to call himself that. I was ashamed that I had kept all of this from them for so long. I felt someone else's bodyweight by my lower back, so I mumbled something to let them know I knew they were there.

"Man, I'm gonna have to beat them up," Austin said as he sat on the side of my bed, I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood.

"Tomorrow we'll go say something to Chiron for you Will, because with all that you just let go of you should have to re-live it." Kayla said as she patted me on the back and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"B-but there's something else ," I said try to get up but I had a headache because I cried so much.

"Will, it's okay you don't need to tell us you need to sleep." Kayla said to me in a soft voice as she crawled into bed.

"N-no this can't wait you guys," I told them so they would have all the facts. Because if they where going to tell Chiron they need this.

"All right dude if this is so important to you tell us 'cause as you bro I will always love you." Austin says to me still sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I-I-I think I am with someone, well I mean we made out in his cabin. But it's only the three of you that know." I say to them, as I blush bright red at the thought of Nico and his hand feeling my chest and are mouths.

"So can you tell us who your mouth was connected too?" Austin asked me with a tint of curiosity behind his voice.

"I don't know if I should tell you," I told the pair of them.

"Will, if we're going to tell Chiron we might need to tell him whom your with. So the two of you will be protected." Kayla said to me with love in her voice.

"Well he's new here and he's a child of the big three. I haven't been with or kissed any other guys," I say to them thinking that Nico will understand why.

"So, who is it?" Austin asked like a little kid.

I was about to say something when Kayla throw a pillow at Austin's head. "Austin, Will's not saying his name but we have what we need to know."

austin patted me on the back and gave me a hug. As he was hugging me he whispered into my ear "banging with the son of death,eh."

I must have smiled like mad at this because Kayla cleared her thoart and suggested that we sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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