Chapter 7: Learning how to mate...But did I want to know?

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Anna's P.O.V

"Can we go back now? I'm cold." I broke them out of their conversation and looked at both of them sheepishly while hiding half behind a tree.

"Yeah, come on." Said the unknown boy that had called Xavier his brother. As he put his hand out to me.


"What's wrong? Unlike my brother I promise not to bite you." He said with a wink.

"I uh...didn't bring any pants." I whispered the last part, but was sure that Xavier heard by the smirk that slowly appeared on his perfect face.

"he didn't bring you a shirt either he just gave you mine." Xavier stated the smirk still present on his face and his arms crossed over his still bare chest, but he was wearing gym shorts. Which i wasn't sure if I was happy or disappointed about.

"So thats why this shirt smells so good." I thought to myself.

"Thank you." Xavier said ripping me from my thoughts.

"What?""My shirt you said it smells goo-"

"Oh my gosh! I said that out loud?" I cut him off as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"No, I read your mind." He said with a shrug.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Mates can do that. Read each others minds I mean. I'll teach you some time."


"Well, I'm just going to leave you two. Don't be finishing the mating bond now." He said playfully lowering his voice and shaking his finger at us like we were five.

I laughed at how stupid he looked. But in a good natured way.

"Bye." I said still laughing. And with that he ran off into the woods.

Thinking about what he said I turned around to face Xavier and asked "How do you finish a mating bond?"


"Just tell me please?" I begged getting a little annoyed.

"Fine, we have to bite each other..."

"Thats it?"

"Not exactly... we need to be doing a certain something when we bite each other." He said rubbing his neck nervously and avoiding my eyes.

"What somthing?" I said getting really annoyed now. "tell me." I practically begged but finally he looked at me and said.


"oh... um this is awkward."

"you think." He said blushing.

I noticed a lock of his hair had moved into his eyes and subconsciously reached up to brush it out of the way. Once I noticed what I was doing I quickly went to retract my hand but was stopped when Xavier grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. I felt myself blush.

"Your cute when you blush." he said taking a small step forward. I felt my breathing speed up at how close he was. If I had leaned up and forward a few inches our lips would be touching. The thought of that made me blush even more.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You really shouldn't think like that when I can hear your thoughts..It might give me ideas."

"You really shouldn't be listening to my thoughts without my permission..Besides im sure id enjoy most of your ideas any way." I said in barely a whisper because of how close we now were. We both started to lean in and our lips almost met until.

"Xavier..Ana..Hurry up guest will start arriving soon.. Hurry!!!" I heard a voice that sounded like a women calling us.

I looked at Xavier questioningly.

"My mother invited both of the packs to celebrate your arrival. We better go before she hunts us down because I don't doubt that she will." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Okay" I said feeling a little nervous.

"Come on lets go." he said using our still entwined hands to pull me along through the woods.

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