Chapter 11: A Royal

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I am running.  Breathing fast as my bare feet pound through a forest.  My long white sundress is torn and covered in dirt.  The trees fly past me and all I can hear is my breathing and the howling of wolves.  I stumble a little getting over  a log and my dress gets caught on a bush covered in thorns with red tips.  Terified I try to rip the dress having dificulty.  Then BAM I am knocked to the ground with a giant wolf on top wolf on top of me.  I manage to get out from under it just barley and start sprinting any direction I can.  After a while I am exhausted and risk sitting by a tree.  I place my left hand on my heaving rib cage and feel something hot and sticky.  Curiously I look down to find my white dress soaked in my own blood.  Looking closer I can barely make out two crescent shapes opposite each other. teeth marks.  The howling seems to get closer so I pick myself off the ground and continue running.  I can hear water but don't dare stop running for fear of what is chasing me.  I look behind me for a second and spot a wolf barely 100 yards behind me.  I turn back only to halt in my tracks.  Right in front of me is a cliff going straight down into a raging river surrounded by jagged knife like rocks.  Turning around the wolf stalks slowly closer to me.  It crouches then pounce!  I feel myself falling. I am about to hit the rocks-

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” I scream waking up from a terrible nightmare.

“ Oi, You shut up!”  An angry guy screams from across the room.

My wrists and ankles are in heavy chains attached to a cold stone wall.  The room is cramped and there are at least 20 other people in the room chained to the wall like I am.  The man that yelled at me is walking around the room with a gun.

“Don't pull on the restraints, they're made of silver and it burns like hell.”  a petite girl with short raven black hair and muddy brown eyes sitting next to me says.

“Where am I?”

“Hell, A.K.A the vampire slave trade.  But don't worry I overheard the guards talking, you'll be out of here soon they have a special place for you.  You'll probably be sent as a special pet for a royal.”


“Yeah, the royal vamps they just love having they're little puppy pets.”

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