Chapter 6 : My Worst Fear

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Few months past and Harry and I had arranged our marriage. At first, my mom didn't agree but my dad's beyond happy.

My brother didn't care about my marriage at all. Actually, he didn't care about anything.

My mom gave reasons about why she doesn't agree.

"No! My daughter isn't marrying an arrogant person like Harry" - Mom.

"But I love him" - Christina.

"Still no. No matter how you beg me" - Mom.

"You used to tell me, the one you love is the one you be with. What about now?" - Christina.

My mom avoided eye contact and just kept silence.

"Fine. You're right. I've no right to control your life" - Mom.

This was 2 months ago...

Today is my wedding with Harry. We got married in a my dad's hotel ballroom. Lots of people were invited and lots of reporters came to record the wedding ceremony.

I reached the ballroom 2 hours earlier to get ready with the dress and make-up.

As soon as the chairs begun to be filled with guests, the reporters started to interview some of them.

Harry was running very late and whenever I called him, he wouldn't answer. That's until I receive a phone call from Harry.

"Harry, where are -" - Christina.

"This is not Harry. I'm Lucia. I found this Harry on the street, wounded and now he's in Siloam Hospital. I call you because your contacts name in his phone is babe" - Lucia.

I dropped my phone and ran out of the ballroom. Crowds started whispering to one another as they saw me running out. I turned on my car engine and drove to the hospital.

I'm in a wedding dress...I changed my wedding dress into an ordinary dress. I brought spare.

I ran to the counter.
"Excuse me, is there a patience name Harry?" - Christina.

"Yes. Room 124" - Nurse.

"Thank you" - Christina.

I ran to room 124 and stormed in. I went there but it was too late. He's dead. I can't help but sit beside him, holding his hands while crying.

Lucia tapped me by the shoulder and I look up with tears washing my make-up away.

"I'm sorry" - Lucia.

I can't speak, I wouldn't. I just stared at Harry's pale face. Open those eyes, I said inside my head. It's hopeless.

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