𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 - 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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"you have the seven of us to defend you

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"you have the seven of us to defend you."

chapter thirteen - love ;

their morning went pretty calm, in all honesty. the kitchen mess was exactly what it sounds like : a mess. but, with the help of the others, it got better. but, unfortunately, the food was terribly burnt and completely inedible. so, in response, chan said that they would order breakfast in, which had everyone smiling and in a better mood.

once breakfast was over, the eight of them sit in the living room, watching a new drama that had recently come out. they were entranced in it, paying close attention to the screen. because of the talk between the two of them earlier in the morning, changbin had been a bit more clingier to jisung. on the couch, he sat next to the omega, his arm wrapped around jisung's waist and holding tight. of course, jisung doesn't notice the behavior, but chan does as pack alpha.

during a commercial break, they all get up and go to either the bathroom or the kitchen. and during this time, chan goes over to changbin. "hey," he whispers, "come with me for a second, ok?" changbin looks back at jisung, who's talking to felix and hyunjin, and turns to chan and nod. chan leads him to his bedroom, closing the door behind quietly.

changbin sits on chan's bed and chan stands in front of changbin. "so," he starts, "you've been clingier to jisung this morning." changbin nods. "wanna explain why?" "can't i just be clingy to jisung?" chan knows that changbin's probably getting slightly annoyed, and tries to reword his question. "no, you can. it's just that you weren't before you went into jisung's room. what happened in the room?" changbin was surprised that chan had noticed something as small as that. "he's just been nervous about being omega, especially in this industry. but i mean, i would be to. who knows who you can and can't trust." chan nods, making a mental note to talk to jisung later. "but talk to him about it later," changbin quickly adds, knowing what chan would do. "he's fine right now, probably forgot about it. talk to him about it in a few hours, ok?" chan nods, changbin standing up and the two boys going back into the living room as they heard the others heading back to the living room, as well.


once they finished watching the drama, it was around the time of lunch. minho and hyunjin said they would make something to eat, forcing the three youngest members out of the kitchen.

during this time, chan grabbed jisung and the two walked outside. behind the main building was an empty, fenced in parking lot that people weren't allowed to go to unless you're under the company. chan often went there to watch the stars or to write lyrics, and decided to take jisung.

the walk to the parking lot was pretty calm. the two discussed upcoming releases and lyrics, as well the drama they just watched. the remainder of the time there was quiet, a comfortable silence between the two.

opening the fence gate with a key he had, chan opened the gate and let jisung in first, walking in after and closing the gate shut. the two walked to an empty bench, chan grabbing a skateboard he had hid away under the bench.

jisung wasn't stupid. he knew chan was going to talk to him about something. chan hardly ever takes anyone back here, only to discuss something important or to have a talk. he's been here before, when they were trainees. chan talked to him about him and hyunjin, talking about the frequent arguments and fights happening between the two.

"so," chan says, turning to jisung with his skateboard by his feet, "wanna talk?" "about?" chan sighs and looks at jisung with the 'you know exactly what i'm talking about' face. jisung sighs as well. "i'm not prepared for being an omega mentally. now that i've officially presented, other alphas might come to me. or what if they tried to do something with me?" chan puts a hand on jisung's shoulder, trying to calm him down. "sung," he says, knowing jisung is currently working himself up, "no on will try anything. and if they do, you have the seven of us there to defend you." jisung nodded and grabbed chan's hand, lacing his fingers with the older's. chan smiled at jisung and squeezed their interlocked hands, and jisung stood up abruptly, pulling chan up with him.

"ok," jisung said, "no more being sad! we need to be happy! at least not for a little while. they're probably waiting for us back home." chan nodded, feeling a bit at ease knowing that jisung was feeling a bit better emotionally.

chan opened the gate and let jisung through first, then he locked the gate once he went through. the two held hands and ran back to their dorm, their laughter being the only thing heard.

when they made it back to the dorm, chan and jisung took heavy breaths, the others staring at them in confusion. "what did you two do," changbin said, walking up to them. "we just-the parking lot-running," chan said, stopping halfway through to laugh at the events. "well you two are fine, right?" the two nodded. changbin smiles and hugged them, the others joining in soon after.


as changbin washed his face and brushed his teeth, he noticed how sleepy jisung was as he also made his way to the bathroom. his eyes were half closed and his steps seemed heavy. "hey sung?" jisung hummed. "you tired?" another hum. jisung chuckled and grabbed the boy, holding him bridal style as jisung whined. "where are you taking me," jisung said, his speech slurred. "to bed. you can miss one day." jisung seemed to stop putting up a fight and let changbin take him to his bed.

he set jisung down on changbin's bed, jisung noticing the different bed. "we're in your room?" "i need a cuddle buddy." jisung smiled at changbin, scooting over and letting the older boy get into bed.

when changbin got situated, jisung scooter closer and put his head in the crook of changbin's neck and wrapped his arms around him, changbin wrapping his arms around jisung's waist. "you smell good," changbin commented, and he could feel jisung smile in his shoulder. "you smell like fruits. like candy. just super sweet, to be honest." changbin chuckled as jisung dug his head into changbin's shoulder. "you feeling better? after your talk with chan?" jisung nodded. "it was good to say it. i needed it to be out, you know?" changbin nodded and rubbed jisung's back slowly. "that's good. but we have to go to bed, ok? it's getting late." jisung didn't verbally respond, but snuggled up closer to changbin.

both boys closed their eyes, being close to one another. changbin fell asleep first, and jisung went after him. jisung felt changbin's steady heartbeat against his ear, knowing that he was very much alive and this was all very much real. and with that, he fell asleep peacefully, the two of them being at peace.

a//n ;
um, hi? i'm alive and well and felt the need to update this book. i sincerely apologize for literally being the most inactive author to ever exist. there's only 2 chapters left, but i'm planning on writing a sequel. thank you all for the immense amount of support that this book has received. i cherish each and every single one of you. thank you for reading, love you❤️

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