First day pt. 1

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Gilbert woke to the sound of his alarm, and groaned as he hit the clock to shut it up. He sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his crimson eyes, and yawned. He jumped when he heard someone yell his name.
Gilbert looked around, confused, then it struck him, It was his first day at a new school.
"I'M UP!" He called back at his father, hoisting himself out of bed. He glanced at his desk, where he had his outfit neatly laid out. A pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a band tee, and his black denim jacket, plus his clunky black combat boots, that made him taller. He got dressed, looking in the mirror and running a hand through his messy, snow white hair before he grabbed his bag, and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. As he walked into the kitchen he saw his younger brother sitting with their father, eating some toast with a cup of coffee. Gilbert grabbed a piece of of his brothers plate, taking a bite before he could protest.
"Good morning, Gilbert." Ludwig sighed, as he watched his big brother eat quickly. He was dressed and ready for school as well, in a pair of nice jeans, a White button up, and his boots. His hair was blond, and slicked back neatly, his blue eyes full of discipline and strength.
"Morning little brother, I'm gonna head out early, since Dad decided he was gonna scare me into thinking I was late." He glanced at the older man, who sat quietly reading the newspaper.
"Well, I'll join you, I was wanting to meet my teachers before classes start, so just let me grab my bag." Ludwig stood, and went to grab his stuff, and Gil went and waited for him outside. Once he had gotten all of his stuff, and come out, the were off. Their house wasn't very far from the school, so they decided to walk.
"Have a good first day, Gilbert." Ludwig waved to his brother as they headed their separate ways, Ludwig was in different classes than Gilbert, because he was a year younger.
Gilbert got lost almost immediately, the school was huge, and there were so many people and classrooms, he couldn't figure it out.
"Hey, are you lost?" An energetic voice asked, Gilbert turned, and was surprised by what he saw, the person who the voice belonged to, did not match the voice at all. The guy was very tall, and muscular, he had golden blond hair that was spiked up in an odd anime like manner, and his blue eyes were bright and had a childish nature to them, as though he had no cares in the world.
"Uhm, yeah, I'm looking for Mrs. Kirkland's room, for history." Gilbert replied, pointing to the name on his schedule.
"Oh, I have her next, just follow me!"
"Really? Oh my God, thank you! I'm Gilbert by the way."
"Your new right? I'm Magnus Densen, It looks like we have all the same classes, so I'll help you out."
Geez, this kid talks at 100 miles per hour. Gilbert thought to himself as he followed the kid.
As they were walking to the classroom, they heard a voice yell out, "HEY MAGNUS, IS THAT THE NEW KID, DUDE?" Gilbert jumped at the sudden yelling, and both the boys turned to see a tall, buff, blond haired boy with glasses and a bomber jacket on, pulling a smaller, asian kid behind him. "Hey, I'm Alfred F. Jones, nice to meet you." The blond let's go of the small asian, and held his hand out, when he reached the two. Gilbert took it and shook.
"Gilbert Beilshmidt, nice to meet you." Gilbert already liked these two, and he could tell they were going to get along very well.
~time skip, brought to you by the awesome trio~

"Lunch time, finally." Alfred pumped his fists in the air as the three walked to lunch together. Turns out that all three of them had the same schedule, with the only acception being, when Alfred and Gilbert had Gym, Magnus had Shop class.
"Lunch is your favorite subject, huh, Al?" Gilbert laughed as Magnus teased the younger one, Alfred was born a year later than the two of them, but he was still in the same grade as them. Alfred went red, and looked down at the ground before looking back at us.
"Mean." Was all he said, before he took off running. The others shared a look before they continued walking, knowing he was going to get in trouble for running.

786 words
I'm going to make a part two for this chapter, because this took me forever to finish. I would also like to add, that I'm calling Denmark by Magnus Densen, rather than Mattias Køhler. Please feel free to leave criticism in the comments, but nothing to mean.
Thanks for reading this.
PS. Art is not mine.

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