New Kid

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(I'm using Nyo! Fruk as they're parents, because I already showed France and England as students, oops...)

    The hallway was as loud as ever, and Matthew was having a hard time getting through the mess of people. He tried to say excuse me, and ask people to move, but they couldn't hear him over the ruckus. He pulled his headphones up, because he was starting to get overstimulated by all the noise and people. It was the end of the day, and he was on his way to the doors to wait for his twin brother, Alfred. He finally reached the exit, and was surprised to see his twin waiting there for him, next to a boy who Matthew didn't recognize.
  "MATTIE, LOOK I MADE A NEW FRIEND!" Alfred called once he noticed him. Matthew walked over to the pair and smiled shyly at the new boy, "Gilbert, this is my little brother Matthew, and-"
    "We're the same age Al," Matthew cut in quietly," we're twins."
    "Huh, oh yeah, whatever, anyways, Mattie, this is Gilbert, he's new here. I'm gonna show him around, so are you okay with walking by yourself today?" Alfred looked at his brother with big eyes. Matthew nodded, and Al pumped his fist.
    "YES! Your the best Mattie. See ya at home!" The loud blond grabbed Gilbert's arm and pulled him off towards town. Matthew started to walk towards home, when his phone buzzed. He looked at the message from one of his best friends, Véronique, who everyone called Sesel,

Sesle🐳: hey! Have I ever told you that you my bestest friend in the whole world 😻

Maple🍁: what do you want sea?

Sesle🐳: can't I just tell you your my bff without wanting something 😇

Maple🍁: you need help with your homework don't you?

Sesle🐳: ....


Maple🍁: come on over and I'll help you out.

Sesle🐳: YOUR THE BEST❤️❤️❤️

Maple🍁: I know

Matthew laughed at his friends silly nature, and looked up, realizing he had walked further than he had meant to. He was almost home already. He walked the last little bit home, and saw that both his parents were home, which is odd, because his Mum is a nurse. He walked into the house, and heard music from the kitchen. As he peaked into the room, he felt his heart ache with happiness.
His moms' were dancing together to a slow piano song, and neither of them noticed the boy watching. His Mum's long, blond twin tails swaying with her movement, her eyes were rested shut behind her glasses, and her skirt twirled out with her movement. His Mama had her hair tied up into a bun on the back of her head, and her face was soft and kind. She wore a white blouse with a knee length black skirt, and her stockings with no shoes. Matthew stood for a minute watching his mothers' dance, a nice change from the usual bickering. The song ended, and his Mum noticed him standing in the door watching.
    "Matthew, when did you get home? I'm sorry we must not have heard the door over the music." His Mama turned and smiled at him, as his Mum walked over and took his bag, and set it down at the door. Kissing him on the forehead, she smiled at her son. Alice had always been thankful for the boy, as he helped her deal with Alfred.
    "Do you want a snack, Matthieu?" His Mama held up a plate of biscuits and smiled.
    "Yes, please." He smiled back, as he sat at the table with a book,"Sesle is coming over so I can help her with homework, is that okay."
    "Of course, she is always welcome here." His Mama replied, setting a plate of biscuits and a glass of milk in front of him, before kissing his hair.
    "Your brother said he was showing a 'new kid' around town, is this true?" His mum asked, grabbing a cup and starting to boil some water for tea.
    "Yes, hes showing a new student named Gilbert around." Matthew took a bite of his biscuit, and opened the maths book, and began on his homework. After a while the doorbell rang, and Mama called out that it was open.
    "Bonjour, hello, it's me, Sesle."A smaller girl with dark skin, and and long brown twin tails walks in, holding a book bag on her shoulder.
    "Oh, dear, let me take your bag for you, Françoise made biscuits, help yourself darling," Alice took the bag and set it on the table, across from Matthew, "Me and Frani are going to dinner, and there's food in the fridge, just have Matthew heat it up. Alfred will either be home late, or he'll be staying at a friend's, I'm not sure which. Sesle, your welcome to stay overnight if you wish, you know where everything is. We're going to go get ready, and we'll be off. Okay?"
    The two teens nodded in response, as the women went upstairs to get ready, Matthew began to help Sesle with her work. A few minutes later, the two women came back down, dressed nicely, and ready for they're date. Alice walked over and kissed Matthew on the head.
    "Behave, please."
    "Alfreds' not here, so I'll be fine." His Mum chuckled at the comment, before walking to the door.
    "We'll be back later, Je t'aime mon coeur." His Mama called, before closing the door. Matthew and Sesle worked on their homework for a little while longer, before she started complaining about being hungry.
    "Mum said there's food in the fridge, let's see what we have to eat." In the fridge was some leftovers from last night's dinner. Matthew heated up the food, and served it onto two plates, for himself and Sesle.
    "So did you get to meet the new kid?"
    "Yeah, why?"
    "Well, I was talking to Francis, and he said that the new kid was kinda hot..." She gave Matthew a smile and winked, making the boy blush.
    "Seeeeaaaa, I don't even know him."
    "I know, but still."
    "He'll probably forget I exist by tomorrow, just like everyone else does."
    "Aww, come on Matthew, you need to have more confidence in yourself."
    "Can we just watch a movie, please?"
    "Okay, but I'm definitely gonna make you talk to me at some point."
    They decided to watch The Little Mermaid, and were asleep by the time Matthew's mum's got home.

1087 words jeez. These chapters just keep getting longer and longer.

Special thanks to SeitenbacherMuesli for all the support. I love you dude/dudette❤

I give meme in honour of my new friend

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I give meme in honour of my new friend. Again thank you very much for your support.
I hope you liked your surprise, I know it's not much, but I tried. ❤️💚

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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