First day pt. 2

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(authors note: I'm using headcanon heights because most of the canon heights are wack)

    As Gilbert and Magnus followed after Alfred, they talked about the activities that they had at the school.
   "Well, I play football, and I know America plays baseball, plus there are a ton of other sports to choose from, there's the track, a swimming team, wrestling, hockey, basketball, and a ton others. Plus the seasonal sports, like snowboarding and stuff."
    "Really, I did a lot of sports at my old school, but I was the MVP on my cross country team," Gilbert told the taller guy.
   "Really, wow, I figured you did sports, but that's surprising," Magnus replied, not realizing that that could be taken offensively.
    "What is that supposed to mean?" Gil asked, a harsh tone creeping into his voice. Gil knew that he wasn't the most athletic looking guy, but he was fairly muscular, and he knew he wasn't weak looking.
    "Huh, no not like that," The blond seemed to realize what he said a bit too late, "I mean, your just kinda short, so I was surprised you did cross country."
    "Hmm." Gilbert side-eyed the Dane. The two boys suddenly heard a loud, stern voice, they glanced around the corner to see Alfred being scolded by a teacher.
    "How many times must I get on to you, before it finally gets into your head? Running in the halls is not allowed." The teacher stood in front of an embarrassed Alfred. When the boy only nodded, he heaved out a sigh, and waved his hand, dismissing him to continue on his way to lunch. Gilbert and Magnus waited until the teacher had gone back into his classroom, before jogging to catch up with their friend. They reach him just as they get to the cafeteria. Alfred turns around and gives a big grin as he sees his friends walking towards him.
    "Have you ever had an authentic American burger, Gilbert?" His eyes seemed to have stars in them, glinting behind his glasses.
    "No..." The albino looked at the boy, who was practically bouncing in excitement.
    "Well, you're gonna try one today!" Alfred grabbed Gil's wrist, and pulled him over to a table in the middle of the room, even with Alfred getting in trouble, they had still gotten there early, so there weren't many people in the room yet, just a few people here and there. Gil looked around as he sat down, and noted the students there.
  At one table sat a couple of boys, bickering with each other, one had short, messy, honey-blond hair and emerald green eyes, and the thickest eyebrows Gil had ever seen. The other boy had shoulder-length, curly ashy blond hair, tied into a ponytail with a ribbon. He had violet purple eyes, and a bit of stubble on his chin. The two boys seemed to be arguing over a homework assignment, but Gilbert made a mental note, that the one with longer hair seemed kinda cool.
  He looked at the table closest to him, where there were four kids sitting, three boys, and a girl. The girl had chin-length brown hair, with a braid crown and a bun. Her back was turned, so Gil couldn't see much more about her. The boy next to her had messy, light ginger hair, with a single curl sticking out like an antenna. He was turned away too, but Gilbert could tell he was probably annoying. Across from those two sat a boy with chin-length strawberry blond hair, and reddish-purple eyes. A singular fang-like tooth stuck out of his mouth, over his bottom lip. Next to him was a fairly plain looking guy, short dark brown hair, green eyes, but Gilbert felt like he recognized him for some reason. After a second thought he shook it off, and focused on Alfred and Magnus carrying their lunch, Magnus had some sort of meat, and Alfred had two, huge, dripping with grease burgers on two trays. Al sat one tray in front of Gil, before sitting down across from him.
    "There ya go, your first real burger, try it." Alfred nudged the tray towards the white-haired boy. Gilbert looked down at the burger, practically leaking grease, then looked back at his friends. The two other boys nodded, and grinned at him. He picked the burger up, using two hands because it was so big. He took a big bite into the burger, he could feel the grease from the patty drip down his chin as his teeth sunk into the meaty patty. He feels sauce and grease coat his mouth, as he tears the bits away from the rest of the burger. He looked up after he finally gets the last bit of food to go down, and sets the burger down.
    "So, did ya like it?" Alfred asked, his eyes wide and full of excitement.
    "It was good," the German cleared his throat, "but, not really my kind of food. It's greasier than my brother's hair gel, and I can barely fit it in my mouth it's so big." Gilbert looked at the other boy, worried he may have hurt his feelings, but all seemed fine with the criticism.
    "That's okay, at least you tried it, that's all I asked you to do. I'll finish it for ya." He grabbed the burger before Gilbert could even answer, taking a huge bite out of it.
   "Hey, where'd Magnus go?" During the time of Gil trying a burger for the first time, the Danish boy had disappeared. Gil looked around, before spotting a familiar head of pineapple-like hair, among a group of boys.
    "Oh, he's with his other friends, it's cool, he usually hangs out with them during lunch because we have all our classes together. Plus, you see that shorter guy, in the blue sweater, with the emo hair, that's Lukas. There's a rumour going around that Magnus likes him."
    "Really? Guess we'll just have to help him out some, huh?" Gil winked at Alfred, already forming a plan to help his friend

1019 words
I had a lot of fun with this chapter. I'm sorry if it's not the most accurate American high school description, but I'm from Canada, and I have no clue what goes on over there. Hope you enjoyed it. Mathew will be coming in in the next chapter.
Art is not mine

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