Chapter 8

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After two weeks, Maddi was almost able to get out of bed. The next morning I woke up and Maddi was sitting on the end of my bed.

"Maddi!!! You're all better!" I say.

"Yeah, this morning I just realised I was ready," replied Maddi. I go to get out of bed and Maddi said, "Umm, Wyatt."

I reply, "yeah?"

"I had this weird dream like 2 weeks ago that I was in hospital and then I was being chased by this scary thing."

I sat there for a minute wondering if I should tell her, but then I thought 'It doesn't really matter,' so I said, "Oh well, dreams can't hurt you." She smiled, and left the room for me to get changed.

2 minutes later, I got out of my room and went into the kitchen where aunt Jessica was making sausages and eggs. Giorgia came into the kitchen the same time as me, and Maddi was waiting at the bench.

"Guess what!" Aunt Jessica says to all of us when we sit down.

We all reply "What?" She says that next week we are going to school.

"Omg we are going to school? We've never been to school!" Yells Maddi.

"I wonder if there will be lots of detentions and hot boys and classes you can do anything in and three hour long lunch breaks," says Giorgia.

"Umm not exactly but it will be fun," replies aunt Jessica.

A week later, aunt Jess wakes us up at 8 a clock!! I mean really, they want us to learn so they wake us up realy early so that we fall asleep? Anywho, at least we didn't have to wear uniforms.

I went into the kitchen where aunt Jessica was making burnt toast that maddi was pretending to eat, but was throwing into the bin next to her.

I sat down and aunt Jessica yells, "Eat up!" I smile and pass my toast to maddi to put it in the bin when she's not looking.

30 minutes later we were on a bus on the way to our new school, I don't know the name yet it's like shmon or shalnm.

When we got to school, we got a time table from the office and went to our class. I had maths and I had no idea what the teacher was talking about. Like, how do u add two x's? It's a bloody letter!

At lunch I sat with Maddi and Giorgia. And these kids started picking on me, and then one blonde kid threw a meting ice cream at us and it just stopped in mid air and fell straight down. They looked at me confused, and I was confused, too.

I needed to talk to aunt Jessica.

We ran awayWhere stories live. Discover now