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y/n followed Suna as he walks to the gym. It's currently 2 p.m and she had asked to take the day off work just to see the volleyball club Suna had mentioned.

The door slide open and shows the stomach of the volleyball gym. "Not bad".

"Oh, who's this?", said a yellowish-hair boy. Next to him stands his twin, Osamu whom she noticed in her class.

All of Inarizaki's volleyball members starts to crowd y/n, as Suna was introducing her and vice versa.

"Great, a new manager? It's been so long since we had one", said Atsumu. Osamu punched his shoulder, saying that the last time they had a manager was only 6 months ago.

"Um, not yet. I still have to rethink if i can fit being a manager into my already tight schedule".

They started to train and the coach had asked y/n to see the whole game, sitting on the bench next to him.

Halfway into their practice, y/n brought out some onigiris from her backpack. She's a great cook, since nobody can cook for her and she had to learn herself.

Osamu (obviously) saw the onigiris and started to quicken the practice pace. Atsumu noticed and kicked his butts to make sure he stayed focus during the match.

"Alright, you guys can go home today!", said the coach before looking at y/n. "y/n, please don't bring out onigiris when they're practicing. The grey fox over there has a 'fetish' over onigiris".

y/n nodded, as she slowly puts the half-eaten onigiri into her bag. The other two was given to Osamu and Suna.

Suna sat next to y/n as he pats himself with a towel. Today's game was way too tiring, as they had a practice game with a college's volleyball team this morning. It would have been better if he got to take the day off between the recess and before normal practice,

but no. The coach even insist the teacher to make sure each team member doesn't skip class.

Suna slowly puts his head on y/n's shoulder. "Shortie", he whispered since his neck starts to hurt due to their huge difference in height.

"Oi, Suna. We have to go home. Ya wanna stay here all lovey-dovey with y/n in the gym or what?". Said Atsumu as he was packing to leave.

"Yes, so don't bother us". Suna said as he adjusts himself in y/n's shoulder.

y/n's face was red. "Did he even hear what he just said???".


"Why are you following me home?", asked y/n.

"I'm not, I happen to live close by".

y/n started to walk at a faster pace. She would have repaired her bicycle earlier if she knew this could happen. She's not uncomfortable in the presence of Suna, it's just that there was almost never a male figure in her childhood since she remember.

Suna started to walk an even faster pace, trying to keep up with y/n.

"Why are we walking fast? My legs won't be able to keep up".

"The last train's going to leave in 10 min, I don't wanna stay in the school area much longer. If you can't keep up, then don't".

suddenly, Suna grabs y/n's wrist. He turned her around facing him, looking her in the eye.

"Relax, y/n. Did you think I didn't know the train's schedule?".

"What are you doing? Let me go already".

y/n pulled her hand as hard as she can. She started to feel uncomfortable, with this new side of Suna she never knew about. To make things worse, there's not many people around so he could do something-

"Whoa, y/n. I told you to calm down. I won't harm you. If I did, what kind of person would I be?".

Suna sigh as he walks to the train, leaving y/n speechless. He never thought that y/n would think that kind of way towards him. He doesn't want to leave a bad impression, at least to someone he likes.


y/n dried her wet hair with a towel. From the moment they stepped on the train to him making sure she was home safe, he didn't say a single word. Perhaps he was mad at what she had done?I guess he could read me, huh?

As dusk anchored the curtains, y/n stands on her balcony watching the sunsets. She loved the sky so much, especially when there's no moon and clouds at night, leaving her and a bunch of stars shining the dark sky.

She went back in her room, gets her ipad and started to draw for a new part in her comic. She tried to get Suna's face out of her mind, but it stays stuck.

Wonder if she should apologize tomorrow?


cliche //  suna rintaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now