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"Whoa, y/n. Relax! You don't have to get so worked up over touching  my pencil case!".



"Yeah, haha. I just thought that you might not want me to touch your personal belongings".

"Eh, I'm not Sakusa. So you are alright".

"Saku who?".

"I met him on Nationals last year. He's on Itachiyama Academy".

"Oh, yeah. Never heard of that school".

Y/n got up and pack her things before leaving. Although she really wants to stay, there's still exam coming up tomorrow and she needs to study.


"Ohayo, y/n-chan!".

"uh, ohayo Atsumu-kun".

"We're having practice today. Care to come by?".

"No, I need to focus on my studies".

"Pretty please? Pretty sure Suna would be happy to see you".

"Don't use his name for that sort of lame excuses, Atsumu-kun. Besides, I still have to work, you know?".

"Oh,okay. I'll go now I guess".

Atsumu looked a little dissapointed as he turns his back on y/n.


Again, y/n got the highest score in her class. It was very much expected by her classmates after their first-term exam.

"You know, y/n, you should probably teach me a little".

"Are you joking, Suna-kun? Cause all I can see is that you're the second highest in class".

"Yeah, and you take away my spot from number one".

They were joking around as some eyes were looking at their moves carefully.


"Yeah, I'm definitely gonna do it today".

-- end of Suna's pov--

"Yo, y/n. I have practice today, so don't wait up for me, okay?".

Y/n nodded. She walks towards her shoe locker, and inside revealing her shoes and a neatly folded paper.




please meet me near the gym store after school.


Thank you.



"Wait don't tell me someone's gonna confess to me like in the animes?".

"Yeah, alright. I'm definitely the ' y/n' of my own story".

"But wait, I already like Suna. Ah, I'll just reject the one who sent me this then".

y/n walks over to the gym store as he see someone familiar waiting there.


Suna smiled as he sees y/n. He blushed a bit before bowing down.

"Y/n, please go out with me!".

"Yes, of course!".


All of Inarizaki's volleyball members was shocked to see Suna's holding hands with y/n.

Atsumu's mouth was wide open. Osamu used the chance to punch his jaw back up.

"So you guys are dating, huh?", Aran smirked as he looked at Suna. He'd never figure out that out of all the members, Suna would be the first to have an actual relationship.

"Yeah". Suna walked away to change his clothes.

"Sooo, who confessed first?", Atsumu asked and leaned in closer to y/n. All the other members followed his actions to hear more.

"W.. Well, he did. By the gym store".

All mouths were now wide open. Suna confessed first??????

"No freaking way".

"Yeah, feels like a dream. Somebody please pinch me".

Suddenly, a hand flicks y/n's forehead.


"Idiot, this isn't a dream. Plus, are you gonna tell the whole school that we're dating?".

"Well, why not?".

"EWWWWW, get a room you two. This is a gym, not a dating spot". All the members said in disgust.

y/n blushed and laughed. Then, it went quiet before they all started to laugh together. The gym was full of laughter.


During their walk back home, Suna holds y/n's hand tightly. He swinged it back and forth as he couldn't contain his happiness.

y/n smiled the whole walk too. Unfortunately, it didn't last long because happy happiness feels so short when you're in cloud nine.

"You know, you don't have to walk all the way here to drop me off. We could always stop at the two-way and meet there to school".

"Nah, I'd rather make sure you're safe all the way. I'm not even tired, seeing you already makes me happy enough to forget about that".

"EEEEE, that's so cheesy".

Suna laughed. "I know, but it's cute when you're blushing".

y/n pouts and walked to the front door. She waved goodbye to Suna before closing the door.


Every day after that, they walked to school and back home together. Somebody saw them holding hands and the news spread that they were both dating.

As Mizuka heard the news, she only sighed in relief. At least, somebody nice gets Suna. She couldn't feel a single hatred towards y/n, as that girl always says hello when they met even though she wasn't nice to her at all.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet. Alone". Mizuka walks to the bathroom and gets in one of the stall.

"Wait, why am I crying? This is ridiculous". But the tears didn't stop.

She knows they're both happy together, a better match than her and Suna. But, she couldn't stop herself from crying of regret. regretting that she didn't try just a little bit harder.


a/n : yeah, i'm not dead, thank god. It's only been a few days and there's a lot of reads. You guys are really thirsty for Suna, huh.

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