Suicide Attempt

18 1 0

Linda's POV

     I feel so worthless as I make the journey home by myself at the end of the day.  Cyn had hung out with Jacob and taken selfies on his i-pod, leaving me alone.  James and Alex hung out together, so I really was alone, not like I'd hang out with James anyway.  He's a jerk.

     I make it home and walk upstairs to the bathroom and shut the door not bothering to lock it.  Cyn, I'm sorry, I think as I grab my razor out of the drawer.  I press it to my wrist right where the vein was.  If I cut deep enough I could pop it and I could finally rest in peace.  Not like anyone would care.  I take a deep breath, and make the cut.

Cyn's POV

     When I get home I throw on my PJ's and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.  I don't give two shits if it's a school night, I'm staying up late and watching Jaws.  I grab the popcorn and put it in a bowl and stretch out on the couch.

Duuuuh duh, *dramatic pause*, duuuuuh duh, *dramatic pause*, duuuh duh, duuuh duh, duuuh duh, duuuh duh, duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh Ahhhhhh!

     I laugh.  Scary movies always crack me up because of how stupid the people in them are.  Don't go swimming in shark infested waters when your "life guard" (in this case a random dude) is drunk.  That's why I swim in lakes or pools, not in unattended oceans.  My phone rings and I pause the movie and look at the Caller ID.  Linda's Mom.  Huh, I click on the answer button.

"Ello?" I say through a mouthfull of popcorn.

     A bunch of sobs are what I receive.

"Is everything okay?" I ask concerned now.

"L-l-linda is i-i-in the h-h-hospital because s-she t-t-tried to k-kill herself," Linda's mom sobs.

"Oh my god what hospital?" I ask anxiously jumping off the couch spilling popcorn everywhere.

"Grand River," her mom replies.

     I rush to the kitchen where my mom and dad sit eating spaghetti.

"Something wrong honey?" Mom asks me.

"Linda's in the fucking hospital that's what's wrong," I say grabbing my coat off the back of my chair.

     I slip on my running shoes.  The Grand River hospital is not far from here, I could run there in no time.

"Do you want us to come?" my dad asks concerned.

"No, I'll call you later, bye!" I yell running out the door.

     I realize my phone is still pressed to my ear and Linda's mom is still on the line.

"I'm almost at the hospital," I pant into the phone.

     I go flying through the front doors of the hospital and straight to the reception desk.

"My friend Linda is somewhere here, she tried to kill herself?  I need to see her!" I almost scream at the girl sitting there.

"Third floor, room 22," she says.

     I decide the stairs would be faster and sprint up them to the third floor.  I count the numbers on the doors as I go flying past them.  18...19...20...21...22!  I barge into the room and there lies my best friend on a hospital bed with wires and other shit poking out from her.  I throw my arms around her body and just let myself cry.

"She's on life support," her mother says from behind me.

     I turn to look at her and we both start to cry and comfort each other.  A lot of "It will be ok" and "Everything is going to be fine" are exchanged.  It's my fault probably for not spending enough time with her.  All my fault!  And her mom's probably thinking the same thing.  Such a messed up world we live in.  The doctor comes into the rooms and runs more tests on her.

"Will she be okay?" I ask him.

"Not sure yet," he says, "The test results show that she's improving, she just lost a lot of blood."

     Fuck this, she's dying, and it's all because I didn't show her how much she meant to me.  Live, I plead to her.  You better make her fucking live!, I yell at god.  She's going to be okay, I tell myself, She has to be.

Linda's POV

     My body keeps floating in and out of conciousness.  I hear voices but I can't make them out.  They are crying and pleading for me.  That much I can be sure of.  I try and move but I can't.  Fuck, let me move!  I try my hardest to even lift a finger but my body is glued to the posistion it's in.  A light appears in my vision.  Oh hell no!  No way am I going to walk to the light.  But my body has no choice and soon I am stepping through the light into a whole new fantasy world.

Cyn's POV

     The machine attached to Linda starts beeping loudly and flashes red.  Many nurses and doctors rush into the room and two of them drag me and Linda's mom out of the room.

"She's stopped responding!" one of the nurses yell.
"No heart beat or breathing!" a doctor yells.

     Linda's mom breaks down in tears in my arms.

"My baby!" she sobs, "My baby is dead!"

     I rub her back and cry with her.  The beeping stops.  We both look up to see a doctor walking sadly out to us.

"I'm sorry," he says.

     That does us both in.  We burst out into tears and Linda's mom collapes onto her knees.

"Doc!  We need you in here now!  Somethings happened!" a nurse yells.

     The doctor runs back into the room.  I look up at the door.  What happened that the doctor needed to be called back in?  A nurse walks back out of the room.

"She repsonded!" she says.

     Linda's mom jumps up to her feet and we are lead into the room.  Linda sits propped up on a pile of pillows, half asleep.  Her mom rushes over to her and I stand back and give them space.  I decide to call my mom and dad to tell them.  Once I hang up my phone I walk over to Linda and sit beside her on the hospital bed.  She looks over at me wearily.

"Sorry," she says.

"It's okay," I say and hug her tightly.

     I never want to let her go.

I was so anxious as I was writing this and I hope you were on the edge of your seat too!  Anyone cry?  I did and I'm the writer!  Sorry if it seems to early to throw this in, I'm just tired and can't think straight.  Comment what you think will happen next, although I already know, heehee!  Enjoy?

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