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Taehyung was busy picking up his hotel room and packing away all his dirty clothes when his phone lit up. Another message from the mysterious Justin Seagull. He realizes suddenly that he never replied to the last message the person had sent him.

He taps the message and reads. 

'I do know you Taehyung. I'm a fan of yours'.

He frowns and replies. 

'A fan of my what?'

'Your blog.' 

He gets in response almost immediately. He begins to type but stops when he sees that Justin is already typing again.

'Your last blog entry was especially interesting. What if I told you that I know for a fact that Jeongguk has seen it?'

Taehyung almost laughs to himself and types. 

'I'd say yeah right. Now seriously, who is this?'

He watches his phone, impatiently waiting for a response. His breath hitches when a picture pops up. It's of Jeongugk standing in front of a large mirror in what appears to be an expensive hotel room. He's shirtless, abs on display, with a small towel draped lowly around his hips. He's winking and sticking his tongue out playfully. Taehyung shakes the image off and responds.

'Why are you sending me pictures of Jeongguk now?'

'Because it's me. You idiot!'

The last message was followed by a phone number. Without even thinking it could possibly be a joke Taehyung quickly dials the number. It rings once before a voice just barely whispers 'hello'.


There's a short pause that feels like three eternities before the person at the other end sighs softly. 

"It's so nice to hear your voice, Taehyung."

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