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Taehyung storms into Jihoon's office, conveniently located a few floors below Jeongguk's penthouse.

"You sick fuck!"

"You think it's okay to take advantage of sweet, naive young guys? I should beat your ass right now. But I won't-", he walks back to the door and pulls Jeongguk in by the wrist. 

"Instead, you're going to apologize to him for everything you've put him through and you're going to promise him it'll never happen again."

Jihoon taps his foot, clearly annoyed that someone is in his office bothering him, and rolls his eyes dramatically. 

"Fine", he sighs. 

"I'm sorry Gguk, for taking care of your beautiful body for the past two years. Please forgive me and I promise it'll never happen again." 

He ends his apology with a wink.

Taehyung lunges forward, pinning Jihoon against the wall by the neck with his forearm. 

"I said apologize, not celebrate how much of a disgusting pig you are. Now try again and fucking mean it this time."

Jihoon's eyes were wide with terror and he gasped, struggling to find words.

 "I- I'm sorry Jeongguk. I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm sorry!"

"And?", Taehyung questioned.

"And...", Jihoon thought for a second.

"Oh! And, I promise it'll never happen again. I promise, really I swear. I'm sorry!"

Taehyung steps back. 

"There that wasn't so hard was it? But just to be sure you keep your promise-" 

Taehyung took a step back and swung his fist forward as hard as he could. It connected with Jihoon's nose with enough force to slam his head back against the wall, and then send him flying forward, bouncing off the wall. He instantly fell to his knees, gasping in pain.

Taehyung looked down at him, holding his nose, blood seeping between his fingers. He smiled.

"You're disgusting.", is all he says before grabbing Jeongguk's wrist once again and pulling him out of the room. He leads him to the elevator, riding silently to the top floor.

They stand in Jeongguk's living room in silence until Jeongguk whispers 'thank you' to Taehyung without looking up at him. 

Taehyung points at him and shouts, "You!" in one quick motion he grabs Jeongguk and pins him between himself and the wall, hands on either side of his head. 

"I'm not done with you. How could you be so stupid? Why would you let him do that to you?"

Jeongguk stutters. 

"I- I was scared. I was alone here and he was so nice to me. And, I didn't want you to be disappointed in me so I-", his words are cut off by a rough kiss.

Taehyung pulls back and looks into his eyes, smiling softly. 

"If you would have only sold 100 albums I wouldn't have been disappointed in you. If it took you 20 years to get popular I wouldn't have been disappointed. Shit, Gguk, if you wouldn't have sold anything and had to come home and go to community college with me I wouldn't have been disappointed."

Jeongguk's eyes began to water, Taehyung pulled him close and continued. 

"But, letting someone take advantage of you like that. That's something I would never thought you'd do. If you were alone and scared here you should have called me, I would have found a way to come to you."

Jeongguk pulled back slightly to wipe his eyes, smearing eyeliner into his hairline. Both boys smiled at each other. 

"I'm sorry.", Jeongguk whispered.

"You aren't really sorry.", Taehyung huffed looking away.

"I really am!", Jeongguk retorted.

"No, you aren't."

"Prove it."

"Huh? How?"

Taehyung scoffed. 

"Am I going to have to do everything here?"

Jeongguk simply tilted his head in confusion.

"Kiss me, dumbass."

Before Jeongguk could reply their lips molded into a kiss, a sweet, loving kiss.

"I love you, Ggukie."

"Yeah, same."

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