My enemy, ally and friend

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Sometimes it was hard recollecting your thoughts, maybe it was the sleepiness, maybe it was the quantity of thoughts, either way, sometimes the only thing Techno could do to stop the storm inside his head was to sit down on the edge of a cliff and watch the world silently.

It was still, yet bursting with life... it was silent, yet full of all kinds of sounds.

Techno took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a few seconds: he had found a monster he could not slay with a sword and shield... neither with arrows and potions.

The thought of abandonment was something brute force couldn't defeat.

Let's address the elephant in the room, shall we?

Since Techno had been split apart from the SleepyBoisInc in Minecraft Championship, Techno could not shake off the feeling of getting abandoned... no... left out?.. no... he felt like an immovable burden was lifting off of Wilbur's and Phil's shoulders... and that burden... was him.

He had begged them to always team together because he was uncomfortable teaming up with unknown players... yes, they agreed but...

What if they were doing it only to please him? What if they didn't care about him?

What if they were happy he couldn't team with them anymore?

A shiver went down Techno's spine, he didn't think that was true... wasn't it?

He sighed and took his head between his hands, shaking lightly.

There was no way that was right... They were the SleepyBois! Three great friends that always had each others backs... right?

Techno had recently gotten out of the potato war, meaning that he didn't have a lot of time to talk to them, they supported him, listening to his rambles for hours... But what if Tommy was a better friend than him?

Tommy was energetic and played way more with Phil and Wilbur than Techno ever did.

What if?.. no... there's no way...


But what if?

Techno looked at the valley underneath him, the Minecraft Champions server wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing one, but it served its purpose: It helped Youtubers and Streamers alike to practice for the next competitions, Techno didn't spend a lot of time in here, but when he did it was always pretty full, allowing players to get in a discord call and talk without the eyes of viewers and fans on them.

DIstracting himself from his thoughts by looking around was working quite well... but he couldn't ignore it anymore...

What if Tommy was slowly taking his place in the SleepyBoisInc?

A shiver went down his spine. He desperately hoped he was wrong...

But this feeling was more real than he liked to admit.

Oh so many times he had seen the three of them in a call, oh so many times he had seen them playing till morning together...

"Lost in thoughts, Technoblade?"

He snapped his head in the direction of the unexpected voice. He wasn't expecting to see the blonde boy with the green hoodie to be honest, but they didn't have to pretend to be enemies anymore, he didn't have to be alarmed of his presence anymore... so he relaxed the shoulders he didn't know he tensed up.

"Yeah... something like that..."

It was a reflect of his to always place a hand on his sword when he heard movements behind him, so he moved it back to his lap, spine curved and head looking down.

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