how he cheers you up

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How about we party?

Whenever you have something on your mind he tries to distract you with going out,listening to good music and drinking. Most of the time you are fine with it and it helps because he get's goofy and funny when he's in party mood. But when not,he listens or holds you while you calm by his presence.


Being his goofy and child-like ass he dances,twirles,tells you bad pick up lines and won't stops until a smile is back on your face. He even puts some silly looking gym clothes on and does aerobic just to make you happy. And at some point even the drakest day is gone away and you can't hold your laughs  back.


He cuts a bitch. No ,seriously. In most cases something upsets you,because of something someone said to you or done to you. So he goes out and finds them and solves it Lars-style. So you don't have to wonder why that mean person from work  stops giving you all of their work. Or the cruel pizza-guy gives you this time your right order without calling you names.


A hug and the world is a better place. Well, he is the master of staying calm and he somehow manages to calm you and so on. He also buys you cupcakes in lovely colours and watches movies with you. Or he shows you his new ideas for a ass solo,because it impress you always.

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