a game you play in public

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When the two of you are grocery shopping, you always look at the things the other people buy and try to guess what their personal life is like, single,married,kids,bitter,ladies night,etc


Ugly and annoying child. It is mean and super inmature , but you guys love it to point out babies where nature wasn not kind  or children that are doing everything in their power to disturb their parents peace.


Ugliest-Clothing-Contest. You always look for the most ugliest outfit combo and the person who wins can make the other one wear said outfit for the rest of the day in public while getting weird stares.


DOG-SIT.... you always watch out for dogs and yell dog-sit as soon as you see one. Sometimes you take this competition to seriously,but Clif thinks it is adorable, when you try to convince him that a cat can also work technically as a dog.

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