Chapter 4

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The autumn leaves continued to fall as Namjoon continued his journey to find Hoseok but what he didn't know was that he was being watched. The carriage he was in was gilded with shinning details that attracted the robbers which dwelled in these woods and they were sure something   precious in the lovely carriage.

Before Namjoon knew what was happening , the carriage was waylaid by the gang. The horses were spooked and ran off after a member of the gang cut their reins. The servants and coachman were captured by the gang and they overturned the carriage causing Namjoon to fall out. Namjoon felt a strong hand holding his legs before he could make a run for it.

'' Well well, what do we have here?'' said the thief ,grabbing both of Namjoon's legs before he could resist. 

Namjoon was too terrified to do anything as he was dragged of towards the lion's den. He was so frightened that he didn't even get a good look at the thieves who'd surely torture him and subject him to a horrible fate.......

'' Let him go'' a  voice echoed.

  All the robbers turned around to face a boy who looked no older then eighteen. His eyes were  doe like and had a dark brown color and his hair were a messy jet black. He looked innocent and cute but the glare he was giving the robbers told something completely else . The robbers were staring down the boy but his glare never wavered.

'' And why should we?'' asked one of the thieves.

'' Leave him to me'' said the doe eyed boy with determination.

'' Fine but he's YOUR problem now'' said the thief who was holding Namjoon and literally threw him down before the boy who Namjoon wasn't sure if he could call his savior or not.  

''T-thank you'' whispered Namjoon.

'' Don't talk to me'' The boy brushed him off.'' You belong to ME now''

Namjoon was shocked at the boy's cold words, never thinking he could be so harsh but there was nothing he could do about it.


While she was taken to heir lair, the new prisoner took a good look at her captors.

One of them, which he assumed was named Seonghwa had a happy cheerful sort of aura as he talked to another person whose name ,Namjoon had heard was Taehyun, who looked mildly annoyed. Another boy with a cute face watched with an amused smile as two others fought among each other. The cute boy was called Minho while the two fighting were Jisung and Hyunjin. One boy named Jongho was humming to himself as he broke apples into two with his bare hands and passed them to other members. 

The only female member a girl with platinum blonde hair named Lisa was talking to two boys  named Jackson and Mark respectively.  Another boy named Kai watched with lazy eyes as a  guy name Dino had a hand wrestling match with Sang-hyuk Hyuk while a boy who called himself G-Dragon cheered them on.

 To Namjoon all of them looked like a happy family enjoying a good time together if he didn't add the fact that they had just attacked him.  All of them despite their scars and injuries were very handsome and cute. Namjoon couldn't imagine what could lead them down this crooked path.  

Inside the fortress the thieves sat around the fire and feasted upon the spoils why Namjoon was stuck in the far end of the room with a few scraps to feed on.

'' My name is Namjoon..'' said Namjoon trying to befriend the boy who had saved him but he only responded with a 'hmph' .

'' Hey '' asked Minho.'' What are you gonna do with him?''

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