Chapter 1

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Ages have passed since the mirror broke ,now the real story begins

Namjoon and Hoseok were best friends; they were both orphans and lived together in a small house with Namjoon's grandma. Both of their parents had been good friends when they were alive and had died in an earthquake, after which Namjoon's grandma had taken both of them in her care.

Namjoon was an intelligent, hard working and a rather clumsy boy who loved his grandma and Hoseok dearly. Hoseok on the other hand was a cheerful and kind hearted boy whose smile could brighten up the darkest of days and everyone in the village loved him due to his nature.

The two enjoyed gardening a lot and planted plants in their small garden every spring and summer. In that land the liliac flowers grew abundantly especially in Namjoon and Hoseok's garden. Namjoon liked the flowers because they reminded him of Hoseok and his sweet nature.

In the winter, they would be confined in their home due to heavy snowfall, so to entertain them their grandma would tell them amazing stories.

One winter night, the three of them sat in their living room by the hearth ,rapped in a warm quilt as they watched the snow fall to the ground from the window.

'' Snowflakes are kinda like bees aren't they ,maybe they have a queen as well'' said Hoseok his eyes fixed on the snowflakes.

'' Not a Queen but a prince, Yoongi the Snow Prince'' said Grandma. 

'' Yoongi?'' asked Namjoon curiously.'' What's he like ? 

''Legends say that like the ice and snow he creates he has a unique beauty yet he is very  cold. He lives alone in a castle made of ice situated in the north no one has reached it because of a freezing. He has no friends and people tend to stay away from him, for good reason, as he is very powerful. Every winter on a single day he rides his chariot driven by white winged horses through the village but no one sees him. People say that he takes at least one person with him and him or she is never seen again''

'' Can he actually do that?'' asked Namjoon mystified.

'' Don't worry I won't let him take you away ,Joonie '' said Hoseok

'' Really'' asked Namjoon ,a smile on his lips.

'' Of course, I'll protect you but he'd probably melt if he came out of his castle anyway'' said Hoseok, with a warrior like tone. 

Grandma and Namjoon laugh at that 


Just before going to bed, Hoseok stared out of his window at the snowflakes still falling to the ground, he felt as if they were calling out to him and he could've sworn he saw a pair of blue eyes staring back at him.

'' Hoseok.........''

He felt as if the cold outside was calling him . He kept staring at those eyes when a face emerged. The face was pale and beautiful yet cold like carved out of marble. He held out his hand as if beckoning him.  Hoseok fell back in fear.

'' My eyes are playing trick on me '' he mumbled as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

Little did he know this was just the beginning........


Winter passed by and Spring came ,bringing with itself the flowers in the garden. Hoseok had forgotten completely about that incident and now tended their little garden. 

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