Chapter 3

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For my entire life or ever since I could form a complete thought and sentence, I wished and dreamed and prayed for this moment. While the job offer registered in my head, my life instantly became complete. My worries and doubts became almost nonexistent, and I felt utterly whole.

I was shaking with excitement, nervousness, and surprise. I had a slight out-of-body experience as I thought over my options carefully. I saw myself standing in the kitchen, Nick by my side. The enthusiasm in his eyes supported saying yes, and my mom’s expression agreed. I needed to answer him quickly before he changed his offer or changed his mind. I suddenly came back to my body after Nick gave me a shove with his foot.

“Are you kidding? Of course! I would love to come and work for you.” My heart was beating faster than humanly possible. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. It’s like those game shows you see on TV where the people don’t believe that they actually won the grand prize that they played for.

And all the colleges that rejected my application could suck it. None of it mattered because I was going to be working for Colland and Copeland. Things were finally going to fall into place just like the way they were meant to. “Great,” he said. “We will be contacting you in the next few days about setting up an interview. Once you come to the interview and it goes exactly how I think it will go, and then you will have a job working for Colland and Copeland in no time. I really hope to be seeing you soon.”

We shook hands and politely said out good-byes. Grayson, a twenty-something (maybe thirty-something, I could never tell), British man. His hair was a beautiful brown-auburn, almost a cherry brown, and perfectly polished for business. High-and-tight, as some barbers would call the hairstyle. I could tell that his suit was personally sewn and tailored to fit his form. The handcrafted detail in a suit like this was something you couldn’t buy from just any Giorgio Armani-even though Armani was high end enough to provide it. If he were to gain any more than five pounds, I’d say the suit would rip because of how fitted it was to his body. Then, his shoes were perfectly polished, shined, and waxed. They looked almost painted. I watched him as he turned to walk away and out the door. He turned with the grace, elegance, and etiquette of a high-fashion male model, and I watched him walk back up the runway-even though it was just my front door.

My mom watched him drive away while I remained stunned in the kitchen. I was glued to the spot, frozen with pure joy. I was eagerly anticipating this phone call. My life was about to change, hopefully. I had the interview of my life in a few short days. This could be the head start I needed to make my career happen.

“Hey, it looks like you might not even need college after all, Fal.” Nick said. His smile was big and bold in eagerness for me. I hoped he would get somewhere he wanted to go. He deserved it. I knew that he had submitted a bunch of applications to colleges, but I wasn’t completely sure if he got any responses yet.

Nick, he was a pretty simple kid if you ask me. Ever since he was a little kid, even before elementary school, he wanted to be a doctor. Then when he was old enough to differentiate, he found that he wanted to work in internal medicine. Wasn’t that simple? All he wanted to do was help the sick.

I saw him filling out applications to practically every medical school there was. He never really had the best of grades to qualify, and his recommendations… let’s just say no one really had many nice words for him. His mind wasn’t generally on school all the time. I also knew that he didn’t have the best chances at getting in, but I was always there supporting him. He could always apply for scholarships that he qualified for to see where he could get in.

“Yeah,” I said. “I guess I don’t need college. I’m just really nervous for this interview.” I was beyond freaking nervous. I was sacred, nervous, excited, overwhelmed, and completely freaking out inside. I felt like I was going to implode. It was the interview of the start of my career. I needed to make a perfect first impression.

“There is so not a need to be nervous, Fal. You are going to do amazing. You are gonna do more than amazing, it’s going to be perfect! I know it, and I know that you know it too.” I still loved that optimism shining from his big green eyes. The way he looked at me with those eyes made me want to believe anything he said to me.

For Nick, his eyes were his money makers. They made him look so sincere at times and it made you want to melt in his hands and buy him a friggen’ puppy. Innocence was the look his eyes gave, and that’s what they were perceived as. So, he could get away with pretty much anything he wanted with those eyes.

From the time I sent in my first application, I dreamed about when I would get my big break. I dreamed about having my own line- ranging from clothes to shoes, accessories and everything in between. I still have that dream that I am the lucky fashionista they stop in the street. Seeing anything I design on someone else would totally complete my life. Even seeing how someone responded to my creations. But that one moment, when the models flaunt your freshly sewn and cut designs would be the day I die. It would fill my heart entirely.

“Thanks for being here for me this entire time, Nick. I have to say, it honestly means the world to me. For you to support me for so long…” tears started beginning in my eyes and I drew closer to Nick so he wouldn’t see me cry. I ended up falling into his arms like he was the big brother I run to after I fell off of the swings. He was there to comfort me, and he held me there even as tears fell down my face and the ocean lost a few salt-water droplets.

“It was your dream! Of course I am going to support you the whole way through!” he held me tighter and I felt even safer, like everything in the world was perfect. It was even better than watching a sunset on the beach in the dead middle of summer.  

“You’re the best,” I finished crying and dried up my tears. “Sorry for being so dang emotional.” I laughed at myself for crying.

“It’s okay,” he fixed some of my smeared mascara with the tip of his thumb. “What are best friends for?”

“Shopping for interview outfits?” I looked up.

“But of course,” Nick was more than willing to shop with me. I never knew why, but he did. “Where to first,” he smiled.

“Well, I’m hungry again. So, I guess the drive through?”  

 A/n Hey guys ! Sorry I haven't uploaded on this one in a forever time. And sorry this one's hella short D; Next one coming sooner, swears.



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