Chap 19

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The wheels rolled, the hustle & bustle of the busy city started diminishing as they headed towards their destination early in the morning.

Mr. Murthy arranged a Naval mini bus for them from the amenities Indian Navy provided for officers so that the children could peacefully enjoy their journey.

Manik looked to his side just to find her sleeping with earpods still plugged in. He chuckled remembering how she fought with him to take the window seat. Not that he wanted to seat there either, but he liked to see that irritated pout of hers. She was cute.. uh-no adorable.. no cute.. urgh both, he debated mentally.

These earpods were surely his enemies. He could understand the music still playing as the sound could clearly reach his ears. She'll destroy her eardrums real soon. So careless, he thought as his hands reached to pull out those monstrous earpods to save her from damaging her hearing capabilities any further and turned off the music player in her phone.

His eyes fell in her face momenterally to check if he disturbed her slumber in this process and found her frowning slightly in sleep as the rays of sunshine fell on her pretty face. Though she looked really beautiful with that slightest amount of make-up, this early morning golden sunrays simply added up to that.

He could keep staring at her all day, but he didn't wanna spoil her sleep as well. He adjusted the curtains, she smiled still fast asleep, his face reflected the same.

The journey continued.

Cabir was shocked would be an understatement. He almost had a mini heart attack seeing Manik with her.

Surely he had seen them together back in cafe, but never did he ever think they'll be coming out together in front of the whole gang that easily. That was something he totally wasn't prepared for.

Cabir-Navya had taken the seat in front of MaNan's as MaNan had secured the last & corner most seat, as per Nandini's wish. Though Manik readily agreed to seat there as he didn't want to be in the middle of all, catching everyone's attention, but he cursed him for the same now.

The last seat in a bus, was the MOST jumpy seat of all. Even though in childhood everyone literally fought for taking that very seat and burst out into fists of laughter as the bus passed a speed breaker making all jump together. That was a common scene everyday on the way to school & returning back home. Manik, Nandini & Cabir used to travel through the Navy school bus as well. The devil siblings would always take the last seat, but Manik always skipped that seat. He would take the ones in the front and smile seeing his mates having fun.

His reminiscing session got disturbed as he felt a weight on his right shoulder, it was Nandini. Unknowingly, a smile broke out on his lips.

The horn honked as the gate of a beautiful bungalow creaked open breaking Manik's sleep. He didn't know when his eyes closed taking him in a deep, peaceful slumber. Last thing he remembered was, him staring at her..

Nandini too shifted a bit in her sleep, as she snuggled deeper into the crook of his neck. Her nose touched the soft skin of neck creating a havoc in him. He got goosebumps all over. And the soft moan that escaped her mouth didn't help either.

Words couldn't explain his state that time but Cabir chose the worst of them all, "Why you looking constipated bro?"

And burst out into fists of laughter. Getting out of his la la land, Manik straightened himself and looked around to see anyone noticed them or not. All were busy taking out their luggages and stepping out of the bus.

Manik just glared back at Cabir as he himself wasn't in a state of a reply back.

Cabir opened his mouth to say something, but Navya came to call him.

They were now the only people in the bus. He didn't want to disturb her sleep, but she had to wake up now. He slowly called her, but she seemed to be in deep sleep.. softly he patted her cheeks but she snuggled more in the process.

Fuck butterflies, he felt an entire zoo in his stomach, lung, heart, kidney, liver and rest other parts. He was too flushed to make any move.

Urgh I've to do this! He determined mentally.

Closing his eyes shut, he literally jumped off his seat. (Sorry if y'all thought of something else ;p)

But before her head could fall down, he caught a hold of it firmly. Her eyes fluttered open as she directly hit him on his stomach and got up saying, "You moron! I was awake only since the time you called me, but thought to have some fun and see what you do next to wake me up. But what you did, was TOTALLY unexpected. Ahh my head."

"You got hurt?", He asked with concern dripping down his voice. And quickly added apologetically, "Oh God. I'm so sorry yaar. That wasn't intentional trust me. I tried waking you up, but you weren't reacting only. Urgh I shouldn't have. Where's it hurting, show me?!", He was mumbling a few curses under his breath as he heard her giggle.

She presses her mouth with both her hands in order to shut herself up. But too late. He had already noticed it and was currently glaring at her. That made her burst into laughter.

He said nothing, grabbed her arms, yanked closer & whispered being dangerously close, "That was NOT funny. Dare you even think of pulling such a stunt on me, ever again!"

She was too shocked to react. When he moved back and asked in a dominating tone, "Now am I making myself very clear?"

She pouted making a puppy face to cool down this man of an exploded lava.

"That face is not gonna work always.", making her pouting more. Even though he felt the total contrast to that.

"Now take your belongings and get going." and waited till she was done. Though he pretended to be angry, still he couldn't act negligent towards her.

Once done, she walked ahead with him walking behind her, just before stepping out, Manik turned towards the driver just to compliment him, "Drove well Shekhar, very good! Go and take some rest." And that smile on the driver's face was unexplainable. Nandini watched all these with amused eyes. There were a very few officers or their family members who would just compliment them & make their day. She felt proud, she didn't know how, but she did.

Manik turned back when he saw her already looking at him with a smile. He raised his brows as if asking what made her smile, but she nodded in the negative.

He picked up his backpack and her luggage from the luggage from the luggage space. She forwarded her hand to take hers, but he just blinked with a small smile.

These small gestures were special. Words weren't needed. His actions spoke all.

Everyone had retired to their rooms to freshen up and take some rest to boost themselves up for having fun.

Manik tried his best to avoid Cabir, but who could escape Cabir's questions?

As soon as Manik entered, Cabir bombarded him with all the questions. Like how, when, where did all these happen.

Manik simply replied that they had been dating but didn't name their relationship yet. They were good for now, and none wanted to name that.

Though Cabir still had suspections, but chose to ignore them for now. If ever, they actually ended up together, he will surely be the happiest.

For, Manik was the best his sister could ever have, and he totally believed that.

Anyways, all had lunch together, played games, did compatibility tests which MaNan utterly failed, pulled each other's legs, blurted out secrets and what not.

Though Nandini didn't get any alone time with him, but she caught him looking at her a multiple times. He even handed her a glass of water when she almost choked the food while laughing at some silly jokes of Cabir.

Manik was surely not a guy of words, but actions. He was EVERYTHING you use to define a polite gentleman.

He could make you feel so secure with that intriguing aura of his. And also create a havoc inside you with that killer infectious face, smile, physique and every other thing that could exist, that's what Nandini felt.


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