-Chapter IV-

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Thurday, September 25, 1:23 am

  Okay okay lets try this again "test 67, project Alladin" I said, rubbing my face with my hand

a cat was licking his paw and meowed at me

"okay Mr.Ginger I'll be using you now and um..... please don't explode" I said nervously.

I lifted the cat up then settling it inside the machine

Mike is so gonna kill me if he sees blood here

I strapped a camera on the cat's head as it meowed at me again "don't die on me Mr. Ginger, cause I might be next, ok?"

I pet the cat's head and backed away as the door closed.

'Please don't explode, please don't explode' I kept chanting in my mind with my fingers crossed

I hope this works

Turning the machine on, I nibbled on my nails

-systems ready, commencing in... 3-

"please work... please!"

-.. 2.... 1...-

The machine rumbled and shook

couple seconds later it stopped as steam came out of it and the door opened

"goodness did it explode?" I carefully walked closer and the steam cleared out

it revealed...... nothing...

" did it become a ghost? oh god I made a ghost maker"

wait, the cat's gone that means, it worked.... it really worked! oh my god it worked.

I did a little happy dance and glided to the computer to check the camera on the cat

it was static at first and then the screen showed a street with houses

a meow was heard from the speakers

the camera turned and showed another cat that looked like Mr. Ginger

"so this might be the that world's version of him or something" I told at myself

I began to cheer and realized something.... how do I bring it back?.... well shit.


  Vilmac University, one of the most prestigious schools in Bellham

named after music, this school has been a champion in almost all of the music competitions there is

A bell rang and students raced out of their classrooms and filled the hallways

one girl skated through the crowd to her locker.

Opening her locker and placed her things inside

"so me and the others are going to the mall tomorrow wanna come?" someone said as the girl closed her locker

Rosalie sighed and leaned on her locker "I cant Elise, I'm going to the lab today" she told the other girl

"but you're always at the lab" Elise whined

Elise Hathaway, Rosalie's best friend since the first year of high school

Both the girls eventually walked out of the school and started talking about random things.

"Hey guys wait up" a guy said as he ran to the two girls while bumping into some people

Liam Foruno, the soccer team's best player.

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