Chapter 1: Flirting With My Mother & Twilight Movies

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Stacy’s POV

“Mmmm, Ms. Anderson this dinner is delicious.” Harry stated obnoxiously. He literally cleaned his plate; there was not a spot of food left on it. And believe me when I say my mother’s cooking is not that amazing.

“Thank you love.” my mum replied with a smile as she took our dishes away so she could clean them. “What are you guys’ plans for tonight?” she asked us curiously as she loaded the dishwasher. Harry was quick to help her with the dishes, while I sat at the table watching in amusement as he tried so hard to be such a kiss ass.

“I don’t know, I think we’re seeing a film or something, why?” I asked in a bored tone.

“Well I’m going on a date tonight, and I just wanted to know if you two were staying here or what your plans were because I won’t be home until late.” she informed me. Harry’s face turned into a frown when she said this and I had to try to keep my laughter in.

“With whom do you have a date?” I asked smoothly. She smiled in my direction and then spoke.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she said in a cheeky tone. I giggled slightly when I saw Harry standing against the counter with his arms crossed and a pout on his little face.

“Yes, yes I would.” I replied happily.

“Well we can discuss this later tonight when I get back. Now you two go have fun. And thank you for helping me clean up Harry, you are such a gentleman. You’ll make a great husband someday.” she stated as she planted an innocent peck on his cheek. I swear he was going to faint right then and there. I got a hold of his arm and dragged him upstairs into my room. He jumped onto my bed and turned on my iPod.

“So what are we seeing tonight?” I asked curiously, seeing as how we hadn’t discuss our plans thoroughly.

“Whatever you want to see Stace, but uh, do you think I could stay over tonight?” he asked eagerly. I know, I know, a 17 year old boy and a 17 year old girl having a sleepover? But we’ve known each other since kindergarten and we’re more like brother and sister. So no, it’s not weird.

“Sure, I guess. Any particular reason why?” I asked, wondering why he all of a sudden asked this. He usually asks much more in advance.

“Nope no reason…we just haven’t hung out like this in a while. Thought it’d be fun…” he replied, seemingly nervous. I know the real reason is most likely because of my mother. Yeah…if you couldn’t have guessed it, my best-friend, my crush of 12 years; my everything, fancies my mother.

“Oh, okay. Well, I want to go see New Moon.” I stated happily. I’ve been dying to see it, and he did say that I could pick the movie.

“Ugh, really Stace? One of the fucking Twilight movies? You’re lucky I love you or you’d be going to the movies alone.” he said in response, acting all macho. HA, as if he didn’t want to see it.

“Um, Haz? Let’s not forget who made ME see the first Twilight film! I didn’t even want to see it but you forced me. So this is really you’re fault.” I reminded him, as I watched his face go red. He might act all ‘tough guy’ but he loves a good chick flick. “It’s playing at 7, 10:30 and midnight. Which one do you want to go to?”

“The one at 7.” he replied quickly before turning the music back up full volume. I took a seat at my desk, and turned on my lap top.

“Oh yeah, Stace you know my mate Haydn Morris right? The guitar player in my band?” he asked randomly, turning the music down once again. I shot him a confused glance before answering him.

“Um yeah, I guess. Well I know of him. Why do you ask?”

“Because he thinks you’re fit and he wanted me to ask if you wanted to go on a date with him next weekend.” he said, trying not laugh. I’ve only met Haydn one time and let’s just say…he’s not exactly my ideal guy.

“Oh…would you be mad if I didn’t go with him?”

“I think you should just go for it. He truly is a nice guy Stacy, give him a chance?” he begged, sticking out his lower lip.

“I don’t know Hare…” I stated hesitantly. I don’t want to be rude, but I know I wouldn’t have much fun on the date.

“C’mon, please? For me?” he said innocently, putting on the puppy dog eyes that he knows I can’t say no to.

“Ugh, fine. But screw you Styles, you owe me now!” I informed him, thinking of what I could ask him to do in return.

“Anything babe. Tell me when you think of something. Thank you though, this will make him happy!” he stated, coming over and pecking my cheek in a friendly gesture. It meant something completely different to me though. If he only knew how I felt about him, maybe something could happen? Nah…probably not.

“Alright well its 6:45 now, we better get going.” I said, getting up and walking out of the room with the curly haired boy close behind me.

“That was such a good movie! Harry now you’re definitely taking me to see Eclipse when it comes out!” I said, as the ending credits showed on the screen.

“I can’t lie, it was a phenomenal film. But if you tell any of the guys about this you’re dead!” he said all too seriously. I just giggled and followed him out of the theater. I got into his Range Rover and he drove off in the direction of my house.


A/N: Hello love bugs! Here is the very first chappie of Stacy’s Mom! I know it’s short and probably a bit boring, sorry :( But I promise you it will get more entertaining! I hope you liked it anyways! Please give me feedback I need to know now rather than later if you guys think you’ll like this story! Pweaaaasssssseeeeee comment/vote/fan! I love you guys.xx

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