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Gigi decided not to make a scene and give Crystal space so she waited till the end of lunch and headed to her next lesson. She was early so not everyone was there but sure enough, Tiff was sat in the back on her phone.

Gigi: "Hey, um- Tiffani, did Crystal come back to you guys at lunch?"
Tiff: "Sorry girl but none of us have seen her since. I'll ask Daya she's got Spanish with her next."


| IMessage to Daya |

Tiff: Is Crystal with you?

Daya: No sorry I've got a feeling
she's not coming to lesson. I think
Gianna really hurt her this time.

Tiff: Alright no worries, we'll
look for her at break.



Daya didn't reply so Tiff just assumed that her lesson must have started. She turned to Gigi who seemed to be stood still patiently awaiting an answer.

Tiff: "No idea where she is G, no offence but this is kinda all your fault."
Gigi: "I- didn't mean to, I never realised how awful I was, I was doing what my friends told me and I'm so stupid. Like sooo so stupid and I'm a terrible person and I wish I could take it all back and I wish my friends were different. I wish they were nice people. I hate them and I hate myself and the only thing I care about now is Crystal. I need to find her now, tell Miss I was feeling sick or something I have to go!"
Tiff: "Um I'm not even going to question this Crystal thing but please Gigi, don't hurt her anymore than you have. I'm just glad you see that now but I know you, you are a nice person, you just need to let people see that side of you."
Gigi: "Thank you Tiff, and I promise, I won't stop till I make this right."

Without a second thought, Gigi was running and I mean running out of the classroom causing her friends and other students to stare in confusion as no one knew what was happening. Gigi may be the queen bee popular cheerleader type, but she also never missed a class, was always early with a perfect attendance record and had always maintained an A* student throughout her school years. And right now, she was giving up that perfect record for Crystal, the girl she'd mindlessly bullied since they were kids. She hadn't even noticed that tears had began to fall from her eyes until she checked in the bathroom for Crystal and caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror.

[it doesn't matter how I look now, your looks aren't going to make Crystal forgive you!]


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ *:・゚✧ time skip

Crystal was no where to be found, until...

Gigi: "Crystal? Is that you?"

Gigi had spotted someone sat outside hidden behind the trunk of a large oak tree out on the field.

Crystal: "Just go away okay I don't want to talk to anyone, I would've left already but my car won't even fucking start! I don't think this day could get any worse!"

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