Chapter 15

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He holds a whip and several knives. His grin is wide and his white teeth flash across his face.
"I need to know something," Heath says. "What makes you special? What makes you tick? We need soldiers who resist the System."
"I have done everything the System has told me to," I say. "I am not special."
"The voice of suggestions is powerful," he grins. "And anyway. The tablets are not completely in effective one you. Skip a few though and they struggle to control you."
He smirks and I bite my tongue. I hold my breath and hold still.
Fingers inches closer and I whisper, "I only found out I was special a day ago."
"We can still run a few tests," he grins.
I feel a whip lash my back and I fall to the floor in agony. I don't scream though because I know it will only make matters worse. I clutch my make and clench my teeth. My back throbs and I feel a stinging heat spread across the wound.
Then I see a loose tile. Hanging chandeliers too. This gives me an idea. I try to reach the chandelier above me but I am too short. I mouth my idea to Mick and he seems to understand. He leaps up and touches the chandelier but misses as a knife flies through his hand. He yells and curses as the blood starts trickling. I feel a anger flush through my body and I leap at Heath. I surprise him and give him a piggyback choke. He tries to breath and swings a few punches. I cling on tight with my heart races and sores burning. Fingers takes a step forward to throw a knife but I am too quick. I dodge the small blade as it lands on the white wall behind me. This gets me alert and my heart pounds a hundred times faster.
"Don't or you'll hit this little bird keeper," I cackle. "Francis isn't a name I pictured you in," I start to talk and give time for Mick, "Maybe a Joe or Chris but not Francis. Did your parents name you that?"
"Stop talking little lady," he flirts. "Your pretty eyes don't deserve this but I think I might hit you with this knife right in you socket. Make you blind? Maybe you'll run out of sass, sweetie?"
I stop moving and know this isn't a bluff but I try to keep my cool, "My sass goes on and on apparently. I wonder who said that?"
I smirk but then he launchers a dagger at my face. I duck and feel adrenaline pulse through my veins. I see Mick behind Fingers reaching for the chandelier. He pulls it once.
"Missed me, missed me," I mock. "Now you gotta kiss me!"
"Of course little lady," he runs up to me and lashes my back. He grabs me by the collar and says, "Kissy, kissy, little missy."
He leans in and I try to move away but I am grateful when the chandeliers start spinning.
"Maybe another day, Francis," I blow him a kiss and run over to Mick.
"Bye!" Mick laughs.
The floor stars sinking and the ground swirls. We sink into the hole and Heath and Fingers grab onto the table to stop them from falling on. The dizziness starts again and my legs tremble but it's soon over and we land into a large room. We stand up and sprint to what we think is an exit only then Maddie and Claire appear. The real ones.
"Don't go!" Maddie pleads to Mick. "I love you."
She is wearing more black designer clothes and she had died the ends of her hair orange.
"Well," Mick says. "You leader just tried to kill us so I think we might leave."
I turn to Claire, "Come with us!"
"I can't," she says. "I belong here. Turns out my mum lives here. My dad is dead but I belong here. Maybe your parents are here too."
"I can't believe you!" I yell. "I came here to find you and save you! I wish I never did!"
"Hannah," she pleads.
I hear shout of my name from around the corner.
"I gotta go," I say.
Then I run off with tears. Mick kisses Maddie and then follows me. I think I see Maddie and Claire in tears but I no longer care. I have to leave. I want to go home. I know I can't but maybe... Maybe I can just lie. I am great at fibbing. All I have to do is tell a little lie. Just one.
"Mick," I mumble. "Don't follow me."
"What?!" I hear him call as I sprint off into the distance.
I run and run. I just can't put up with this anymore. I want to go home. I have a good life ahead. I think I am sixteen in a few days. Maybe later or even already. I have lost count of days. There I have a job, husband, home and income. Here I have nothing. No friends, no jobs and no home. I want to go back. Who cares about freedom. I will take the H2O tablets and they can rule my life again. I no longer even care if I have a life. Dread and guilt fill me as I let the polluted air brush though my face.
I speed up my pace to the train station. I sit waiting for a train with tears streaming down my checks. My heart thumps and head pounds. I feel the breeze flowing through the tunnel. The tracks start rumbling and I pick my feet up. I leap onto a carriage filled with leaves. I use them as a blanket but I do not sleep. I lost my backpack. I have no identity pass. I have no clothes. I have no food.
The train speeds but my thought process slows.
After a long hunger fought train ride and a sleepy walk home. I find my hotel I stayed at. I take a breath and prepare myself for a beating. I know what I will tell them. I will says that I was captured by the rebels but I escaped. Claire, Mick and Maddie were taken too but they couldn't leave as they were injured. I travelled here for help. They are planning to escape soon. I know this is a complete lie. I wasn't captured. Claire and Maddier will not return. Mick escaped before me.
I grab my stomach and feel I betrayed everyone but I didn't. They betrayed me. I must be strong but I want to cry. My chest heaves as I take a large calimg breath. I swing the large doors open.
I see my classmates and their faces. Few students remain but their faces all equally shocked if there was everyone. Even Mrs Loudmouth's eyes pop out of her skull. I swallow as all eyes lay upon my scars and bruises. I know the rumours will spread. Things like 'she killed Claire' or 'Claire and Hannah helped capture Maddie.' They won't be true because even what I tell them won't be true.
"Hannah," Mrs Loudmouth booms. "Come with me."
She stands up and walks into a separate room. I gulp and start to bite my lip. Maybe she will go easy on me.
"What happened?" She asks nervously. "Where are the others?"
"We were all taken," I blurt. "Mick escaped before me but Claire and Maddie were injured and are escaping later."
She looks up pleadingly and touches my shoulder, "At least we have one safe."
I must look shocked. My teacher is not kind or caring towards me or any of her students.
"The System needs as many children as possible," she continues.
Then I understand. She isn't worried about me but about the System. I still don't know what her secret is.
"In the day we arrived here I saw you and Maddie," I gulp. "Exchange items."
"Well," she huffs. "You may as well know. I work for the System as a guard to the children. Maddie found out only part of this. She thought I was part of the rebels. She threatened to tell so I let her escaping knowing she knew about the rebels and about me. She obviously knew a lot more."
I nod. She knew about the System's control.
"I understand you are unwell but you are seventeen tomorrow. You must keep this a secret and go about your life," Mrs Loudmouth says. "You will continue as you were going to anyway."
I nod. This is my only option out.
"I need H2O tablets," I say.
She nods and hands me an cylinder filled with the pills.
"Take them all to make up for what you missed," the wrinkled teacher hands them to me.
And I do. I take a calming breath, pop the lid and swallow them all. I feel a tingle in my hands and realise the effect. I don't know what I have done. I am a slave once more.
I go to bed and prepare myself for my next day. The day of my marriage.

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