Chapter two

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5:00 Was clock out time. Once I hung up the apron they made us wear, I was free. Since my parents weren't exactly parents of the year I didn't really have a cerfew. None of the gang boys, Even outside the Tuff boys, had the best  parents either. Bird's parents were alcoholics. Sly's parents were always kickin him out and sometimes he had to stay at our house. Trop's parents, or well parent, Nearly forgot he existed. We crack jokes about him being dumb but truth is he missed alot of school because him mom didn't care, or didn't remember. But like I said, the gang was out family. True they didn't care if we stayed out late, or missed school, or drank or smoked, but they cared if we were hurt or dead, and fights! They were always there for those, weather they were rootin or supporting. They were there. Sure they didn't qualify for family of the year, but at least you knew there was someone always at your back. 

I grabbed a bottle of coke from the fridge before leaving. "Be careful kid" Rus called, staying late to take a few extra orders and wait until mandy, the other waitress got there. 

"I ain't no kid. You be careful, I  could take you" I said giving him a glare. It's not that I didn't like Rus, I did. It was just that if you get to attached to a floater, they'll sell you out to other gangs for money or whatever they wanted. Thats what I meant when I said it'll get him killed one day. 

The boys had went down to slacker's bar to get drunk and ride motorcycles in the back, I planned on heading there even though I had recked my bike last time. "Hey kid" I snapped out of my daze to see Trev leaning against the wall.

"Hey Trev. What you doin here still" He took a long drag off his cigarette and blew a smoke ring. 

"Waitin for you, Those boys are gonna get killed" I nodded, shovin my hands in my pockets. It wasn't like I was going to openly admit that I was about to go and screw around with them. Trev wasn't being a party killer, he just knew what was right and what wasn't. He knew that last time I rode I broke my arm. I smiled at them memory.

"Hey what you looking at me like that for?" I asked meetin the gaze of trev. His chocoate eyes were focused.

"I ain't lookin at you, stupid" He smirked. "I'm looking behind you" I turned around trying to make it as   discret as I could.

George Castle was sitting at the bar drinking a malted. I got a sick feelin at the bottom of my stomach as I turned around. "Hey whatda you want with a scrape like him?"

" Finishing business, I see he got new tires" He cracked his knuckles and grinned. I couldn't help but grin also, like I said, a leader. "Slashed all four"

The gang had a long time rivle with his gang. I had no Idea but I heard once that it went back to grade school. Ever since Trev was 11 he did everything he could do to irritate ol' George. Same the other way too. I didn't mind it thought. I liked having enemies. It meant that we were known, and feared. So we waited, and waited , to see Gerorges reaction, but he never came out. He just sat there and ordered another malted. I groaned and leaned against the wall, usin the bottom of my converse to put out my fourth cig. Trev's groan followed mine. 

"I'm going to go home" He sighed "Stupid george, at least there should be a good fight tomorrow" He grinned.

"I think i'l go down to slackers to see the boys" I told him. Like I said, he wasn't very parent like and he shrugged and walked off in the other direction. I was focusing on his dissappearing figure when a voice inturrupted me. 

"Can I have a dollar" There was a little girl in a pink dress with pigtails, who was unfortanatly, looking up at me.

"I ain't got no dollar" I said Leaning up off the wall.

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