"Yes I would like to invite you to a wedding here in the underworld",
"And who's wedding would I be attending?",
"Well you'll be attending my sister's wedding",
"hmm I guess I'll go, I mean its not like I know how to get out of here and since you took me into your care, then yes I'll attend this wedding",
"Good then it'll be a good show, But anyways I'll leave you in Grayfia's care I have to go take care of devil business" Sirzechs and ajuka both left but sirzechs had a smile on his face and thought 'this'll be fun especially if giorno can use that requiem form again'
"Um Ms.Grayfia why do I have to wear this again?" Giorno asked as he looked at his suit
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"Well because it's a wedding and you cant go to a wedding with what you usually wear because it shows off your chest to much" Grayfia responded as she tied up his tie
"Well I know purple is my favorite color but this is a little too much for a suit, don't you think"
"And your point is?"
"Can I chose what suit to wear to the wedding?"
"Hmm well I guess we still have an hour before the wedding so yes go ahead", Giorno then went into the huge wardrobe closet that they had and came out with a suit and coat
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"How is this" Giorno asked as he stood there with his hands at his sides, "W-w-well i-i-its good" Grayfia looked away with a blush on her face, After spending time with Giorno, Grayfia was sure that she had his personalty all figured out, Giorno was a calm and composed young man who never got angry or arrogant and was humble and could solve any problem thinking out of the box, Which she found odly bizarre for some reason