Giorno opened his eyes and he realized he was in a field of flowers
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'What is this where am I', "So you finally awake huh?, I've been wanting to meet you for sometime now but I never got the chance", A booming voice ran throughout the field and giorno turned to look at the voice and was surprised when he saw a dragon
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'Could this be a stand if so then I should bring out gold-' and just if the dragon could read his mind it responded "Do not fret Giorno I am not a stand but Rather the requiem arrow", "Requiem....arrow?" Giorno asked confused
"Yes I am a dragon that lives in the arrow and for now your mindscape my name is Typhoeus and I'm the strongest dragon in all of existence, well that was the case when I was in your dimension", "What do you mean my dimension?". "Well your dimension was about to collapse and I could only save one person and that person had to have me with them like you, you took the requiem arrow because I found you worthy of using my power, you defeated diavolo yes, but your universe died, now I don't know the cause or what happened but I reacted on instinct and sent you to this universe, and as for the "strongest dragon of all existance" there appears to be a dragon in this universe that could rival me in power but I could still win depending on the situation"
"Ok so you sent me to this universe right" Typhoeus nodded his head "then would you mind telling me what is in this universe?"
"HAHA that is for me to know and you to find out". Giorno tsked in annoyance "But I will tell you this, in this universe there are no stands but sacred gears and as of right now I pass for a sacred gear and the strongest of them all"
"Sacred gears?" Giorno asked in confussion, "You'll know more about them when you wake up, oh and by the way just be ready for a surprise when you wake up"
"What do you mea-" just then giorno started fading away "whats happening to me", "your waking up, see you later.....partner"
Giorno opened his eyes to find himself in a strange room. He was laying in a massive bed, bigger than anything he'd ever slept in before. The second thing he noticed was that there was a lady in the corner end of his bed with silver hair She was wearing a maid outfit, that for some reason made her breasts seem bigger. And judging by her aura Giorno could tell she wasn't human