I Put Down In Words

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School had ended forty five minutes ago and Stiles was currently the only kid in the hall. It was better to do this after school, he tried during lunch once and almost pissed his pants when a teacher caught him. This would be his fourth note he had written for his newfound crush.

Winter, of his junior year Stiles Stilinski moved towns and transferred high schools. He wasn't too upset about it, he'd keep in contact with the friends he was really close too but other than that he felt like the change of scenery would be good for he and his dad.

Stiles Stilinski kept a low profile for the most part. He talked to people who spoke to him. He made friends quite easily and kept good grades, he was normal. Then, in the midst of an college AP english class, a student walked in. He must have just switched into the class because the teacher was smiling and he was taking a seat near the window.

Suddenly Stiles wasn't so normal.

Stiles was a sweating, stammering mess. Suddenly the most important thing was finding the boy. He was tall dark and handsome in every sense of the word--Or at least Stiles' version of it. He shied away from the class telling Stiles he was a timid guy, his cute glasses that had been slipping off his face made him more adorable than nerdy. Stiles felt naive, but he swore they made eye contact for the longest second on his way out of class.

Two days, and some questionable investigation later Stiles was staring at an old year book from two years prior. Derek Hale. He was a mathlete, second in line for Valedictorian, and captain of the chess club. My future husband is a genius he whispered under his breath as he flipped through the bulky book to find other pictures of the boy.

Days followed and Stiles paid more and more attention to Derek. And thus his plan was born. He was going to win him over and it all began with a love note. That's how he ends up standing at Derek's locker after hours. Stiles was humming silently as he gently slid the folded paper through the open vent, as he had done times before.

It was half way there when he heard "Hey! What are you doing?"

Stiles flipped around snapping his mouth shut, his letter hanging halfway out of Derek's locker "Me?" Stiles recognized her. In his very, normal, stalking he found that Derek had two sisters. Cora was the youngest, a tenth grader at their school.

"Yeah you. What are you doing at my brothers..." she trailed off her eyes blown wide "Hey it's you! You're the one whose been leaving those sappy love letters making my brother all giddy"

Bypassing the fact that Derek had talked about his admirer to his family, Stiles began to stammer "What? Who? Me? No I-I was just-"

"Save it Stilinski. So love notes? Any particular reason why you can't just ask him out like a normal human teenager?"

"You know me?" it came out as a squeak, Stiles being shocked that she knew who he was. Her stance changed as she cocked an eyebrow and impatiently put her hands on her hips. Dropping his defensive body language, Stiles accepted the fact that he was finally caught "Your brother is...special. He deserves to be wooed"

She plucked the dangling paper, and Stiles was failing as he tried to snatch it back "And love letters are the way?"

"Your brother turns in every one of his assignments hand written, never typed. Even if it may be called for" It was something he found in his attempts to learn things about Derek.

"Yeah. He enjoys the time and intimacy of personal handwriting"

Stiles nodded, that explanation just seemed liked Derek "Are you going to tell him? That it's me?"

She surveys him, letting her gaze sweep questioningly up and down his body before she reached out to tug in his wrist "Come with me" she ordered, and began to pull.

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