Episode 2

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I feel uneasy... I don't like this.

I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm having trouble breathing and I can't think clearly. My body hurts all over and my chest feels heavy.


As soon as I said his name, I saw him in front of me. All the pain went away instantly, I'm sure my own body knows that as long as Kiyotaka is here everything will be alright. That's always the case.


A girl just grabbed Kiyotaka's shoulder and smiled at him brightly while calling him with his first name. The pain came back.

"is that...Satou-san?"

It was Satou Maya, my classmate who once confessed to Kiyotaka but was rejected. Why did she use his first name and why is she walking next to him like they are dating or something? I have so many questions.

"Hey! Karuizawa-san!"

Satou-san saw me and called out my name, with the pain still lingering in my chest. I slowly walked towards them while resisting the urge to bite my lips.

"H-Hey... Satou-san...umm what are you doing here?"

I asked bitterly, words barely came out of my mouth.

"I'm going shopping with Kiyotaka-kun!"

"Huh? Kiyotaka-kun?"

My voice was weakened. I couldn't even get angry properly because of how shocked I was.

"Oh you don't know? Me and Kiyotaka-kun are actually siblings, he is my long lost onii-chan."


I mean... this is hard to believe but at least they weren't dati-

"Also we're dating."



I screamed as hard as I could until I collapsed. When I opened my eyes, I noticed a familiar ceiling. I was in my room.


I took 2 hours of my morning to calm down, luckily today was a weekend. Suddenly, my phone lit up. It was a message from Satou-san.

[Hey did you watch the COTE Anime I told you about?]

[Yeah, I did.]

My replies were a short and a bit cold, maybe the dream is still bugging me.... Wait maybe it's not a dream and I actually collapsed and Kiyotaka carried me back to my room?

[Wanna go to Keyaki Mall and talk about it?]

I asked her out.


I arrived at Pallet Cafe early, I couldn't wait to ask Satou-san about everything, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night.

30 minutes later, she arrived.

"Hey! Karuizawa-san~~ Did I make you wait?"

"Nope, I just arrived"

I was lying as naturally as I breathe.

"So how was the anime? I personally didn't like it."

She seemed sad about it.

"Why is that?"

I asked, I think I have an idea why.

"The way I was drawn made me look like a goof ball. Look at this Karuizawa-san!"

She showed me a picture from her phone.

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"Yeah... they only drew Horikita-san well."

I was pissed off about the animations at first too, but now the only thing on my mind is that "dream" I had and I can't hold back from asking anymore.

"Anoo...Satou-san... Can I ask you a weird question?"

"Huh? Okay.. sure"

She looked a bit confused, I wonder if my current facial expression made her feel uncomfortable. I don't know what face I'm making right now, but I'm sure it's not a cute one.

"Are you and Kiyo- Ayanokoji-kun dating?"

"Oh... I didn't tell you about what happened did I?"

Oh my god... what happened??? So something did happen even though he rejected her back in winter break?? My heart is going to stop....

"No you didn't tell me anything."

I'm starting to tear up, I'm barely holding myself from screaming as loud as I can.

"Well... I don't like to talk about it, but he basically rejected me."



"Is it that surprising?"

No, that's not why I'm surprised. I thought she was going to say something else.

"Y-yeah, how dare he reject a cute girl like Satou-san??"

I took a few seconds to calm down only to hear something else coming out from Satou-san's mouth

"I think... Ayanokoji-kun likes you...Karuizawa-san. That's why."


Wait wait wait wait wait

"Did he say that???"

My plans to calm down failed. My heart is beating super quickly once again. This time however, I feel good.

"No, I just felt that. Matsushita-san agrees with me too. We both also think that you like him too don't you?"

Ah... is it that obvious to others that we're dating? Wait, I'll use the same excuse Kiyotaka told Matsushita-san.

"No No No, that's not the case at all. The thing is, he confessed to me after I broke up with Hirata-kun so I was overly-conscious of him lately."


We kept talking for a bit until we both went home. Satou-san didn't seem to believe me, our friendship might have been damaged after this, but at least I confirmed that whatever happened with the "Alabama" thing was a crazy dream.

After arriving at my room. I decided to watch the second episode of the COTE anime. I didn't exactly like it a lot for obvious reasons (they didn't draw me cutely) but still I wanna hear Kiyotaka's voice and see things from his perspective.

As soon as the episode started I noticed something weird.

"Huh??? What is this??"

I was shown swimming with the other students in the school pool.

"This is not true, I never attended swimming classes...because of my scar..."

It's only the second episode, but I can already see a bunch of stuff.

"I just hope they won't like...make Horikita-san date Kiyotaka or something....they won't right?"

My attention went back to the anime, because my dear Kiyotaka appeared on the screen.

"Oh and speaking of the devil, here she is."

Horikita-san approaches him and they start talking about what happened in the last episode and how we lost all of our S-Points. A few seconds later Horikita-san looks at Kiyotaka's body and makes a comment about his build.

"Oh Horikita-san, you should've seen him fight Ryuuen and 3 other people at once and beat them easily."

After that they showed Chabashira-sensei explaining the consequences of failing an exam (being expelled) and Horikita-san buys lunch for Kiyotaka to have him help her out with the three idiots.

"Oh so this is the first time she used her food trick on Kiyotaka, can't she just nicely ask for help? Well...he probably wouldn't help her haha.."

Honestly I couldn't care less about the three idiots, especially Yamauchi-kun since he tried to expel Kiyotaka.

"This is boring... I didn't even get much screen time."

A few more minutes into the episode and something interesting happens.

"Is that the Student Council President?"

Horikita-san was talking to her older brother, they seemed very tense and eventually he tried to attack her before Kiyotaka stopped him.

"Did he actually try to attack his own sister? Or are they making things up to make it more dramatic? I never heard about this incident from Kiyotaka. I should ask him."

Kiyotaka and the president have a small fight, which was mostly Kiyotaka dodging his attacks.

"I bet he didn't want to hurt him haha...it's scary how strong kiyotaka is..."

Of course Kiyotaka lied about being crazy strong saying he practiced "Piano and Calligraphy"

"I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did practice both of these things though."

The president points out that kiyotaka scored exactly 50 points in all of his exams. I guess this incident is why he eventually became very interested in Kiyotaka.

"That idiot, why would you score exactly 50 in all subjects to hide your abilities. I swear I need to teach him so much when it comes to COMMON SENSE!"

The episode ends shortly after that scene, it was a bit boring but the action at the end was nice to see.

"Ahh~ seeing him makes my heart beat so quickly"

I kept thinking about my beloved Kiyotaka until it was time to go to bed.

To be continued.

Author's Note:


I'm so sorry for being this late, between summer classes and travelling and so many other things I completely forgot about this episode, BUT

The reason I found time to write it was because of the people who commented and asked me for it. I gain so much motivation and happiness when I know that you guys are waiting for my fanfics SO if you want you can also follow me on the twitter account I made JUST now (I only got one follower pls)


Ahem now I can go and write part 2 of "A Glimpse of Their Future" I honestly enjoy writing this one a lot more because I can include real people in this series and make fun of them (wait for it x. And the 3 idiots of pallet kekw)

I can release it super early or you guys can wait another month, YOU CHOOSE 

just keep commenting or @ me on twitter and I'll definitely be faster KEKW


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