1| The Wedding

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Harry looked at himself in the mirror.

His tailored suit fit perfectly over his body. The sleeves accentuated the curvature of muscle in his biceps.

Mr. Weasley and Ron were also in the room.

"Blimey Harry, Ginny's going to pass out when she sees you," Ron grinned at his best friend.

"you think?" Harry flexed his arm.

Hermione walked in, wearing a beautiful pink dress. Ron's mouth dropped to the floor.

"Hermione you look..." Ron struggled for words.

She ignored her inarticulate boyfriend and hugged Harry.

"I'm so proud of you," she smiled.
Harry returned a nervous smile.

"Ronald, close your mouth, you're going to swallow a fly...or a spider," and with that she waltzed out.

Ron snapped out of his daze.
"Alright Harry, we have to get you to the altar,"

Harry felt sick.

What if Ginny left him at the altar? What if he stumbled over his vows?
It was all coursing through his head while Ron and Hermione dragged him down the aisle.
His mind was so boggled he had no chance to consider the possibility of another kind of mishap.

A wedding crasher.

One by the name of Draco Lucius Malfoy.

This is my second Drarry fic and uh.. how do you like it so far? I mean it's only but one chapter but still?

I got the idea randomly when I was rolling out of bed.

Anyways please keep reading :)

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