18| Merlin Take the Wheel

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•Harry's POV•

We sat together like that for a good while.
The weight of him against me felt like something nostalgic.

I had kissed him.

I kissed a man.



If Ginny ever found out she would have my head.
But it wasn't her business anymore.
She was the one who destroyed us.

Or maybe I did?

I mean, was I gay?

"What are you thinking about?"
Draco's voice was deliciously husky.

Fuck. I was definitely gay.

"Ginny," I said.

"What?" He spat.

"Not like that you git," I rolled my eyes.

He looked up at me, expectant.

"I was wondering who ruined the relationship, that's all," I assured him.

"I think that we all did that," he said.

"What do you mean?"

He got up and stood in front of me, as if he was some sort of professor.

"One person can't ruin a relationship, it takes two- or in this case, three," he explained, "Ginny contributed to it by being a bitch and she was getting cold feet, you contributed to it because you weren't even sure of your sexuality, and I contributed to it-,"

"By objecting to the vows," I interjected.

"No, by being such a hottie that even you couldn't resist," he crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Did you ever do anything with Ginny?" He winced.

"Once," I admitted.

He made a retching noise.

"Have you done anything with a guy?" He continued.

"Yeah I kissed you,"

This made him grin and made me feel victorious.

My thoughts were ambushed by a pile of clothes smacking my head.

"Go get changed Harry, and maybe take a shower because you're starting to reek," Draco said.

I reluctantly dragged myself from his bed.

After I cleaned myself up I held the sweatshirt to my body.
I never would have thought that Draco Malfoy would own a sweatshirt.

I've always seen him in tailored suits and school robes.

I would enjoy the sight of him in a sweatshirt.

I quickly got dressed and didn't bother to brush my hair.

I caught him standing outside the door.

"Were you stalking me?" I asked.

"I was making sure that you didn't blow up anything in my bathroom," he said.

"I'm not Seamus Finnigan, you can relax," I grinned.

"Who's that?" He crunched his pale brows together.

"The boy in Gryffindor, our year, he would always blow up things?" I described him.

"Ohhhhh," he said, "that's his name?"

I shook my head in disbelief.

"So you have sweatshirts?" I pulled on the string.

"You're not the only one Harry," he laughed.

"I've never seen you in one, that's all," I said a bit defensively.

"Calm down I'm sure you'll be seeing me in all types of things," he said suggestively.

I felt my face heat up at his tone.


this here is set like a few days later ⬇️

We were standing in the garden, looking out at all the dead plants.

I was holding a shovel and gloves.

"What are you going to do with those?" He asked.

Draco changed into a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
I was starting to enjoy my stay here, if it meant seeing casual Draco more often.

"We're planting right?" I said.

"Yes but why do you want to use those?"

"I thought that doing this the traditional way would be more endearing," I shrugged.

He looked surprised.

"Hm I like it," he nodded, "Where did you get that idea?"

I gulped down some emotions.

"I had to bury a friend," I said, remembering Dobby in my arms, cold and lifeless. He was truly a friend. And he died for me.
Like so many others.

I pushed the thoughts down, I had to be present, for Draco.

Draco squeezed my shoulder and went off to get some more garden tools.

Thirty minutes in and I was sweating like mad.

I didn't realize how demanding gardening was.
Draco too looked a bit worn out but I knew that he would never  admit it.

We had pulled the dead plants from the ground and fixed up the beds. We shoveled in some fertilizer and placed seeds carefully into pockets of dirt.

It was around lunch time, according to my stomach.

Draco heard it and let out a wonderful peal of laughter.
I found myself starting to crave that sound.

"I suppose we should go eat," he helped me off the ground.

"You know me so well," I leaned against him while we walked back inside.

This chapter is kind of like a filler I guess so I hope it wasn't too boring.

Anyways how's everyone doing?

Personally I'm in the up and down kind of deal.

I object ~slowburnWhere stories live. Discover now