27| Chicken Soup

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• Harry's POV •

The next morning I opened my eyes to see a wide pair of Draco eyes in my face.

"You have a fever," he told me.

"Nice," I said, shifting under the covers. I could feel the fever in my joints and my head was congested.

"No- not nice, drink water," he demanded.

"How is water supposed to help?"

"You need to stay hydrated," with that he pulled me up and pressed a cool glass against my mouth.

The taste of water paired with morning breath is never a good thing and I gagged.

"Oh no! Are you nauseated?" Draco panicked.

"I'm fine-,"

"We'll have to go home and I'll make you some soup,"
He was already dressed in one of his infamous suits that framed his body nicely.
The way he kept threatening me with food reminded me of Molly.

In ten minutes he had me dressed in a sweatshirt, wrapped in a blanket and out the door.
I barely had time to say goodbye to Ron and Hermione before he disapparated the two of us back home.

Although his panicky movements were a bit irritating, it was erased from my mind when he picked me up- bridal style- and dumped me on his bed.

"That was cute," I grinned.

"Oh no you're being forward again, I think your fever's spiking,"

"Why can't I express myself and not be delirious?"

"Because you're Harry Potter,"

"Well I'm glad we cleared that up," I said dryly.

True to his word, he came back with a tray of food. There was a bowl of hot chicken soup. He placed the tray on my lap and looked at me expectantly.

"What, you're not going to feed me?" I pouted. He sighed and picked up the spoon.

"Man this must be some cold," he shook his head at me.

He forced me to eat every single spoonful and drink all the water. This must be what having a mother was like.

I sat back on the pillows and tried to breathe in the scent of him that I remembered in his room. But I couldn't seeing that my nose was stuffed like a fucking pepper.

"I think I'll take a walk," I tried to get up but he pinned me back.

"You will rest,"

"Why are you acting like I'm about to die?" The irritation was coming back.

"I don't want anything to happen to you," his voice cracked and my stomach dropped. So much for my wanting to forget about what I almost did. Then was going to be something that would stay with us like an unwanted house guest.

I took his hand in my own and traced circles with my thumb.
"I promise you that nothing will happen,"

He nodded and then finally rewarded me with a smile.

"We can take that walk together then,"

We were walking down the dirt drive that Malfoy Manor was situated near. Draco had insisted on me wearing two jackets and thick socks.
It was peaceful out and the wind hardly blew anything around. I liked the cloudy gray sky because they reminded me of swirly memories Dumbledore showed me and Draco's eyes. There was also something more to cloudy skies. Just like there was something more to Draco, something that strangers could never detect.

The world saw him as a former Death Eater, and before that a child from rich parents. The world didn't see the human in him.

"Whatchya thinking about," he asked.

"You," I blurted.

"Oh?" He smirked, "what about me?"

"Everything," I breathed.

"Everything?" He leaned in. Despite having been intimate before, I always got nervous as hell when he got close to me like this.

"Harry Potter is daydreaming about me!" He said in a singsong voice. I didn't bother to protest.
He started skipping like a gleeful child and pulled me along the road. A muggle car puttered by and I saw the driver shoot us a strange look but I didn't care.

Right now my boyfriend was dragging me on his skipping extravaganza and I was alive and here to see it.

Thank Dumbledore for that.

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