Opening a new Door

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I opened the door to my house and walked inside. It had been two hours since the incident at the cafe. I just got home and I was feeling exhausted. My body begged me to get some sleep, but I didn't have time to get any. The director of Rainbow was going to be here any minute. I wanted to make a good impression, even though I wasn't sure if I was going to join his organization. I quickly made myself a cup of coffee and tidied up the house a little. While I was working, I could feel my hands getting sweaty and butterflies forming in my stomach.

It had been a while since I've felt this nervous before, and I knew that I wouldn't be calming down anytime soon. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down, but the sound of the doorbell ringing made me feel worse. Without hesitation, I swiftly made my way to the front door and opened it.

Harry looked at me and smiled, "Hello Mrs. Grant."

I returned the smile and looked at the man, "Hey Harry, come on in and feel free to make yourself at home,"

The man walked into the house and looked around, "You have quite a big house for only four people."

I closed the door and nervously laughed, "Yeah, that's all thanks to my parents." My smile quickly faded away and I changed the subject. "Anyways, there's some fresh coffee in the kitchen, and I can make some tea if you would like me to. We have: black tea, earl grey, and herbal tea." I said as I walked over to the kitchen.

Harry followed me into the kitchen and glanced over at me. "Some black tea would be nice." He sat down at the kitchen table and watched me as I worked. "How did you know which tea I would like?"

"Well I can hear that you have a faint british accent which shows that you've lived in the UK for a few years. However, you're not from the UK, you're originally from somewhere in South Asia," I paused for a few seconds and looked at him. "And judging from all the countries in that area. I would say that you're from India."

Harry slightly nodded, "Impressive. You seem to know your accents and your geography."

I walked over to the table and set down two small tea cups filled with scalding hot black tea. "Everyone used to say that I was talented when it came to different languages, geography, and accents." I sat down and looked at Harry, "Those people weren't wrong. But they also weren't right."

I watched as the man poured some milk into his tea and stirred it. I was feeling confident, but I tried my best not to show it. Harry was smart, and he worked with highly intelligent people. The thought made me feel a little on edge but I wanted to know more about him, and the people he worked with. Millions of questions started to form in my head as I looked at Harry. I knew that we didn't have very much time to talk, but I would at least get to know the basics.

"How much time do we have to talk?"

"We have around five many four hours." I replied.

"Great, how about you tell me more about yourself."

It was dark outside and all I could think about was getting some sleep. Harry had left an hour ago but it felt like only a few seconds ago. We talked for four hours straight but I didn't really mind talking for so long. There was so much I wanted to know about him and Rainbow. Now that I had talked to Harry I had to decide if I wanted to join Rainbow. I had been fighting with myself ever since he left.

I was lost and scared. I had the training and experience to work with Rainbow, but I didn't know if I could convince myself to join.The opportunity was life changing and it made me excited, but the thought of leaving my family for a job scared me. I laid down in bed and thought about all my options.

"You're in bed before me. That's a first." Jonathan said as he walked into the room.

I quickly sat up and looked at him, "Yeah, I'm just feeling really tired, and stressed."

He sat down next to me and looked at me. "Well after what happened at the cafe I can understand why."

I sighed, I didn't know what to do anymore. This was an opportunity that I have dreamed of in the past, but now, I didn't know if I wanted the opportunity. "I'm not stressed from that. It's from something else."

"Okay, what's wrong then? I haven't seen you this stressed in a long time."

"You know that organization that messaged me back in August?"

Jonathan nodded, "What about it?"

"After what happened at the cafe, I got to talk to the director of the organization." I paused, "And he told me everything about what they do, and what they have done in the past. After talking to him I don't know what I want to do."

It was quiet in the room for a few seconds until Jonathan broke the silence, "I know that you're hesitant about the offer, but I think that you should join." I opened my mouth to disagree with him but he continued speaking. "And the more you think about all the bad things that could happen. The more you will end up pushing yourself away. You know what you're capable of. Now show them that you're capable of working alongside them."

I stayed quiet for a few seconds and looked away from Jonathan. He was right, but I didn't know how to respond. I've had experience with terrorists in the past and had years of military experience. I thought about my options one more time. You've dreamed about being at the top your whole life. Now is your chance to be at the top. I thought to myself. My heart felt like it was racing and a wave of adrenaline flowed through me.

"Amber---" Jonathan said before I cut him off.

"Okay." I paused and looked back over at the man, "I'll do it. I'll join the organization and pray to God that nothing bad happens."

A smirk formed on his face, "That's what I was hoping to hear. Now how about you go call your boss to tell him that you're in."

"He's not my boss yet Jonathan."

"Well he's going to be your boss real soon."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah. You better hope that he doesn't change his mind at the last minute."

"Something tells me that he won't."

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