Work first play Later

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Two months had gone by since I had first joined Rainbow, and everything was going great. I was good friends with most of the operators that I worked with, and everyone seemed to like me. I have yet to go out into the field, but I was okay with it. I still needed a little more training and experience before I could go out with a team.

It was getting late and I was ready to call it a night. I sat at my desk carefully working on my F.I.R.E device. Since I had first used the device I had made a lot of changes. There was now a little fire symbol on the device and I refined the way the device is triggered. I was happy with how the device worked, even though it's dangerous, it still does its job perfectly.

I yawned and turned off my small desk lamp that lit up everything that laid on the wooden desk. It had been a long day for me and I was happy that it was about to be over. I got up from my desk and started to get ready for bed. Before I could get changed out of my workout clothes, someone knocked on my door. As I walked to the door I could hear giggling come from out in the hall. I opened the door and looked at who was out in the hall. Azucena and Meghan stood in front of my door. They both looked breathless like they just ran a marathon.

"Hey Amber you don't mind if we stay in your room for a few hours." Meghan said between breaths.

I thought for a few seconds about letting the girls in. They were my friends, but I was tired and needed to get some rest. "I don't know it's kinda late---"

"Two hours. We'll just be here for two hours then we'll leave." Meghan said.

I sighed. "Fine come on in." I stepped aside and let the girls in.

Before I shut the door I could hear what sounded like shouting come from down the hall. I tried to ignore it and shut my door. Well I might as well say goodbye to my sleep schedule. I thought to myself as I glanced over at Meghan and Azucena.

"So why are you two here again?" I asked the two women.

Azucena looked over at me and sat down at my desk. "Well we were just hanging out near the bar, and keep in mind, we did have a few drinks. And after Meghan's like sixth drink---"

"I did not drink that much. You're the one that had six drinks." Meghan said before Azucena could finish speaking.

"Okay, just let me finish the story." Azucena paused then continued talking, "Then Meghan thought that it would be a good idea to mess with guys." A smile formed on her face and she could barely hold in her laughter. "So Meghan went over to the guys, and instead of messing with them like she said she was going to. She ended up starting a bar fight."

"Look that's not what happened. Well that's kinda what happened. Anyways the way I started the fight was because I thought that it would be funny if I mixed the leftover vodka with the whisky that was left in the bottle. And well you know what happened after that."

I looked at both of the women with the look of shock on my face. "You do know that vodka and whiskey can make people drunk really fast right."

Meghan nodded, "Yeah I do. But remember we had a few drinks ourselves."

"Yeah I can tell." I shook my head. I couldn't wrap my head around the entire situation. "If you two get me into trouble for this I'm going to kill both of you."

Azucena laughed, "Oh don't worry about it amiga you'll be fine. If anyone here is going to get into trouble it's going to be her." She said as she pointed over at Meghan.

Meghan looked over at Azucena, "Hey I'm taking you down with me."

I leaned against the wall and listened to the two women bicker. I could tell that they were both pretty drunk. The story that the two women had just told me made me feel a little sceptical about the situation. There was shouting out in the hall, but it didn't make sense to me that Meghan of all people would start a fight. Part of me felt like the story wasn't true, but there was still a chance that the story was. I brought my attention back to the two drunk women in my room. Azucena's face was bright red from laughter, and Meghan was laying down on my bed laughing.

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