Chapter 11

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*3 weeks later*

Today was the day we find out the gender of Jake and Sophie's baby. We did have a bet going and we would find out who wins today. I really couldn't wait to have a sibling. I don't even think I have one. Well, Susan has never told me I have one. I didn't really mind what the gender would be so I just went with a girl and be on the girls side. The bet was me, Jen, Sara, Lara and Sophie against Jake, Lewi, Danny, Charley and their friend Josh who joined in yesterday. We were all sat waiting.
"It's going to be a boy." Lewi said.
"What if it's a girl?" Lara replied.
Lewi stayed silent and just smiled cheekily at Lara.
"Hey guys." Sophie and Jake walked out the hospital room with a huge grin on their faces.
"So? Will I have a brother or sister?"
"We won the bet guys!" Jake said laughing.
"We're having a boy!" Sophie said.
We all laughed and then hugged each other but then me and the girls frowned. We had lot the bet.
"Hand it over!" the boys demanded holding out their hands.
We each took out a £5 note and handed it to one of the boys who laughed happily.
"So you won a bet. Congratulations." I said giggling.
"Just cause you lost." I glared at Danny but couldn't help laughing.

We arrived home and a letter was on the door mat inside the house. Jake picked up the letter and started reading it. The rest of us sat on the couch watching Lewi and Charley play Call Of Duty. It was really fun because whenever Lewi lost he would push Charley of the seat he was on and whenever Charley lost, he would push Lewi of his seat.
"Calm down! Someone's going to get hurt!" Sara said calmly.
Jake and Sophie joined us. Their faces were expressionless and they just seemed to stare into space.
"Guys?" I said. "What's wrong?"
Jake looked up to me and tears escaped his eyes. He wiped them away before speaking.
"That letter we had, it's from t-the..."
"Jake!" I shouted.
"It's from the adoption home." I stared at him with a blank expression in my face.
"What did they want?" I said
"They found out we're in a band. They're taking you back." Jake said as more tears fell down his face.
"No. No, no, no! I'm not going back there! They can't make me! Please don't make me go back there!" I cried but I knew there was nothing they could do. Jen out her arm around me and I cried into her shoulder.
"The letter said that because we have such a busy schedule, we have no time to take care of a kid-"
"But I'm not a kid. I'm a teenager! I can look after myself." I said.
"I know that Hannah but the home doesn't know or think that. There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry."
"No. There's got to be a way. Get Scooter to say something. Surely he can change this."
"It doesn't work like that Han." Lewi said.
"There's one more thing Hannah." Jake spoke. "They're looking for your real parents."
"But Susan said they died when I was born."
"That's why they're looking. They might not have died when you were born."
I felt my heart sink and I thought I was going to be sick but I wasn't.
"Why can't I just stay here?!" I said with my head in my hands.
"Fuck knows." Charley said trying to lighten the mood. I looked at him and smiled a bit before flopping back onto the couch.
"When are they coming?"
Jake looked at the letter, "Anytime today." He said as more tears fell down his cheeks.
"I better go pack then."
"Hannah wait!" Danny said.
"Don't pack everything. Leave a few bits here." Danny winked and I smiled. I trudged up the stairs and made my way to my room. I did as Danny said and only packed a few t shirts and jeans.
I walked back downstairs and saw Susan standing at the door with two security guards either side of her.

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