Chapter 8

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'Hannah wake up!' I heard Jake shout.
'No.' I turned over in bed so I was facing away from him. I heard him laugh.
'You have school today.'
School. The one thing in the world I hated more than anything. But don't most people hate school?
'Do I have to go?' I mumbled.
'Yep! Now come on!' Jake pulled me out of bed and dragged me downstairs where there were pancakes set out on the table. I took two and added syrup on them before devouring both.
After breakfast I made my way upstairs where I got ready for the day ahead. I applied my makeup and styled my hair and then I threw on my jeans, t shirt and jacket. I walked downstairs to find Jake holding up a bag.
'Let's go!' He said waking out the door.

At school, I said goodbye to Jake and made my way to first lesson. English, the only lesson I liked.
'Hello Hannah!' Miss Birt said.
'Hi miss.' I sat down in my seat at the back of the class.
'Hannah, I heard you got adopted!' Someone said. I turned my head to see a girl with red hair smiling at me.
'Who are you?' I blurted out.
'I'm Alice Middleton. Nice to meet you.' She held out her hand for me to shake and I took it. For the rest of the lesson me and Alice talked about the 'adopted life'. She's a really nice girl. I felt bad I didn't even know who she was. It just goes to show I don't really pay attention to my surroundings.
For the rest of the day everyone smiled and said hi to me. I thought it was a bit weird so when I found Beth at the end of the day I asked her about it.
'I don't know what's happening. People I didn't even know existed are talking to me and people that have never spoken to me are talking to me! Beth what's happening?!' She giggled.
'Maybe now because your adopted people are no longer scared of you.' She replied.
'Why would people be scared of me?'
'Oh I don't know, maybe because you punched someone in the face for no reason?' She sounded angry but when I looked at her she had a smile on her face. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.
'Just because I'm adopted doesn't mean I've changed and she deserved to be punched.' I replied and heard a car beep. I jerked my head around to see it was Jake's car.
'I've got to go Beth. See you tomorrow.' I said before running over to Jake who was with the guys.
'How was school?' Lewi asked.
'Why was it weird?'
'People talked to me.' He laughed.
'Don't they everyday?'
'No. Beth said that now I've been adopted people aren't scared of me. They were scared before because I punched someone in the face for no reason.'
'Mary Baker?' Danny said.
'Well, yes. The sight of her face makes anyone want to punch her.'
'Hannah!' Jake shouted.
He sighed, 'That's mean to say something like that.' Jake wasn't joking around now. He was serious.
'It's true though! Just ask anyone.'
'I don't care if it's true it's still a nasty thing to say!' He was shouting now.
'Jake, everyone is entitled to their own opinion-'
'But you don't need to express your opinion!'
'Well maybe I choose to!' I felt tears sting my eyes and I fought them back.
'Just keep your opinions to yourself Hannah then, maybe people will like you!'
I couldn't hold them back anymore. Tears streamed down my face and I just wanted to punch him.
'Stop the car.'
'Just stop the car!' I yelled.
Jake stopped the car and I climbed out.
'Where are you going?!' He asked.
'As far away from you as possible!'
'Hannah why are you doing this?' Charley asked.
'Fuck knows!' I replied before slamming the car door and walking in the opposite direction. I heard the car speed away but I didn't look back. I started walking towards the home. Beth would be there. She'd make me feel better right?


'Your so stupid.' Danny said.
'I'm just trying to discipline her.'
'She's fourteen man! I think she's disciplined enough.' Lewi protested.
'I don't think so. She has no manners and I'm going to change that.'
'You can't just change her personality Jake. She's a teenager for fucks sake.'
'Shut up Charley. I don't care if she's a teenager, I adopted her so it's my responsibility to look after her.'
'Yeah well if your meant to be looking after her why did you let her wonder the streets alone, huh? It will get dark soon.' Lewi said angrily.
'She said she would be back later.' I replied.
The rest of the car journey was silence. When we got home Sophie, Sara, Lara and Jen were watching tv.
'Hey guys.' Jen said but the four of us just walked into our rooms and slammed the doors shut.
'Jake? What's happened?' I heard Sophie say.
'It doesn't matter Sophie. Just leave me alone!' I replied. I heard her gasp outside and then footsteps heading downstairs. I looked out my window to see she was getting into her car and soon she drove off. I put my head in my hands and sighed. I fought back the tears that were threatening to escape and started writing songs.

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