Dear Love,

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Dear Love,

Do you remember me?
Do you know who I am?
We have met before. It was a long time past. I held you close and shared you with the world. I was told to keep you to myself because you were hard to find, but my heart is not a selfish heart so I showed you to everyone I met. Some people deserved you, some did not. Sometimes what I showed was what, in return, I got. A welcomed surprise!
We shared many memories, me and you. From behind my camera lense you helped me to experience nature and human emotion. You helped me share my thoughts and express my emotions with pen and paper. We raised my wonderful children together. You even aided me through moments of fleeting hate. You were the best of me.
Lately, you've been quite elusive. I see you from afar, and experience you in small specs of time. I will always know you and spread what you've impressed upon me with the world, but I don't always feel you there.
My heart breaks in your absence. It is as tempered glass, strong in your presence but fractured pieces upon the ground when you are nowhere to be found.
The bond you create between me and the world is absolutely irreplaceable. In my relationships, my hobbies, my work, my talents, my family life, you are the silver lining of the interior and the gold leaf plating of the exterior. You are the smile on my face, the beating of my heart, the air in my lungs. You are the the miracle of a last chance prayer, the flight feather of an eagles wing, you are the axis of the revolving world. Without you in my life there would be absence of meaning.
But again, I ask if you remember me, as you have been so far away for so long. My heart has been but one, alone, and refuses the bond of another. Without you the bond between two hearts is as a carpenter with no nails, a poet with no words, an ocean with no water, or a body with no soul. I long for you to bind my heart once more with another, to join my existence to another, to nourish the bond between two souls, and to never let our story unfold. Please, love, grace me once more with you gift, with undying, impenetrable love!

Your friend,

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