you're his seatmate

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characters: kageyama, tsukishima, ushijima, kuroo



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• "i don't understand."
• would constantly borrow your pens and pencils and- yOUR WHOLE ASS STATIONERY SET
• he uses it to draw random volleyball signs on the back of his notebook
• you sometimes agree to cheat on exams with him
• but most of the times, you hide your answers from him because he needs to understand the lesson
• it's for his own good, okay?
• would randomly give you a carton of strawberry milk every after lunch
• you're oftenly distracted because he yawns so much at class
• he introduced you to karasuno once because you both decided to have a study session together after his practice and so you tagged along
• hinata and yachi would also join you guys sometimes
• all in all, kageyama is a good seatmate / friend because he gives his honest opinions
• and he's a total dork 😔💞
• when Christmas party came, you gave him an expensive volleyball
• he almost SCREAMED
• his eyes glimmered as he thanks you over and over
• awww

" •  would constantly borrow your pens and pencils and- yOUR WHOLE ASS STATIONERY SET• he uses it to draw random volleyball signs  on the back of his notebook• you sometimes agree to cheat on exams with him• but most of the times, you hide your an...

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• a bully
• and a bully
• and did i already say a bully?
• would literally trashtalk you all the time
• he ignores you sometimes because he doesn't hear you calling out his name
• he's listening to music while the teacher is discussing 💀
• will let you copy his homework but you should do his (embarrassing as hell) dares in return
• you guys pull pranks on each other every single day
• you guys got on detention once because he stuck a gum on your hair and you sCrEECHED in the middle of class
• he is more of a : frienemy
• but he doesn't let anyone talk bad about you / exchange seats with him
• only he can bully his seatmate
• others are lame
• but ur not
• only 99.99%


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• doesn't talk to u so u literally have to initiate the conversation with him
• you ask him randomest questions at the most random times
• he doesn't mind tho
• he answers and then listens when you share to him your point of view
• he faked an excuse letter for you once because you begged him over the phone 💀
• he kinda hesitates writing that at first because he thinks the teacher will notice that you guys are faking it
you're not actually sick you just woke up late
• the teacher didn't notice
• ushijima, our very reliable friend 💞
• he has a very neat handwriting so you copy his notes most of the times
• and he copies your exam answers in return ❤️

• doesn't talk to u so u literally have to initiate the conversation with him• you ask him randomest questions at the most random times• he doesn't mind tho• he answers and then listens when you share to him your point of view• he faked an excuse ...

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• smartass 😔
• YOU copy HIS homework
• he offers you snacks at the middle of class just to make you hungrier than you already are
• would end up eating snacks at the middle of class with you
• does tiktoks under your desks LOL
• he likes to spill tea with u 🍵
• also likes to tease you a lot
• would kick your chair when you start to doze off at class
• you guys also go on study sessions together
• surprisingly, kuroo is a very good teacher
• especially when it comes to science
• he introduced you to kenma because you walked with them to the station once
• a very nice seatmate / friend ❤️
• he likes to spill stuff with you but he definitely won't spill ur secrets
• periodt sis
• 👁️👄👁️


a short one

i didn't know why i typed these lol

word count: 571 words

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